AngularJS Markdown using marked.
Please note: neither this directive nor marked (by default) implementation sanitization. As always, sanitizing is necessary for user-generated content.
bower install angular-marked
orbower install Hypercubed/angular-marked
- Include the
script into your app. By default should be atbower_components/marked/lib/marked.js
. - Include the
into your app. By default should be atbower_components/angular-marked/angular-marked.js
. - Add
as a module dependency to your app.
app.config(['markedProvider', function(markedProvider) {
markedProvider.setOptions({gfm: true});
Example using highlight.js Javascript syntax highlighter (must include highlight.js script).
gfm: true,
tables: true,
highlight: function (code) {
return hljs.highlightAuto(code).value;
#Markdown directive
*It works!*
Bind the markdown input to a scope variable:
<div marked="my_markdown">
<!-- Uses $scope.my_markdown -->
Include a markdown file:
<div marked ng-include="'README.md'">
<!-- Uses markdown content from README.md -->
app.controller('myCtrl', ['marked', function(marked) {
$scope.html = marked('#TEST');
Install npm and bower dependencies:
npm install
bower install
npm test
I wanted to use marked
instead of showdown
as used in angular-markdown-directive
as well as expose the option to globally set defaults. Yes, it is probably best to avoid creating a bunch of angular wrapper modules... but I use this enough across multiple projects to make it worth while for me. Use it if you like. Pull requests are welcome.
Based on angular-markdown-directive by briantford which, in turn, is based on this excellent tutorial by @johnlinquist.