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Paynl PHP SDK-Alliance


In order to use this SDK, you'll need to have an alliance account at

The alliance will be able to manage sub-merchants, and manage most of the task via the api that normally a merchant would do by logging in in the admin.

Also this SDK extends the standard SDK, so all functions from the original SDK are also available.


This SDK uses composer.

Composer is a tool for dependency management in PHP. It allows you to declare the libraries your project depends on and it will manage (install/update) them for you.

For more information on how to use/install composer, please visit:

To install the PHP SDK-alliance into your project, simply

$ composer require paynl/sdk-alliance

Installation without composer

Coming soon..

Setting up

To communicate with the API of, you'll need to authenticate. uses a token to authenticate you. You can find your token in the admin. On the bottom of the My Merchant page.

Step 1 the autoloader

Composer generates an autoloader for your application. To be able to access the classes of the SDK, all you have to do is include the composer autoloader. The autoloader is located here: vendor/autoload.php

Step 2 Your APItoken

To let the SDK know what your APItoken is, you'll have to register the APItoken as follows:


Now you're ready to make some calls


The full list of functions can be found in the samples folder.

Here i will try to explain the order of the samples.

1. Adding a merchant

Before we can start doing stuff, first we need to have a merchant to work with. For a full example of the merchantData, please refer to the sample

$merchant = \Paynl\Alliance\Merchant::add((array)$merchantData);

 *  Save the merchantId to your database.
 *  You'll need this id in the next call
$merchantId = $merchant->getMerchantId();
2. Getting a list of your merchants

You can get a list of all your sub-merchants. See the example here

Just call:

 * Possible states are: new, accepted, deleted.
 * You can omit this value to get all merchants
$result = Paynl\Alliance\Merchant::getList(array('state' => 'new')); 
$merchants = $result->getMerchants();

foreach ($merchants as $merchant) {
    echo $merchant->getMerchantId() . ' ' . $merchant->getMerchantName() . "<br />";
3. Getting a single merchant

You can of course also get the details of a single merchant. example

$merchant = Paynl\Alliance\Merchant::get(array('merchantId' => 'M-1820-9300'));

// documents that still need to be uploaded (for the next example)
$documents = $merchant->getMissingDocuments();

4. Uploading a document

Before we can accept your sub-merchants, you need to supply the required documents To check the missing documents, see the code from example 3. You can also check the example

$result = Paynl\Alliance\Document::upload(array(
      'documentId' => 'D-1234-5678',
      'path' => '/path/to/the/file',
      'filename' => 'rekeningAfschrift.pdf' // optional, when you leave this blank, the filename from the path will be used


It is also possible to send multiple files. The files will be merged into one file on our server. Both files must be of the same type (pdf or image)

$result = Paynl\Alliance\Document::upload(array(
      'documentId' => 'D-1234-5678',
      'path' => array('/path/to/the/file', 'path/to/the/second/file'),
      'filename' => 'rekeningAfschrift.pdf' // optional, when you leave this blank, the filename from the path will be used

5. Getting the list of available categories

You must select the correct category for the services you add for the merchant. The available paymentmethods differ for each category (for example, a wine giftcard is only valid for category wines) To get the list of categories, just call example

$categories = Paynl\Alliance\Service::getCategories();
$data = $categories->getData();

6. Adding a service (website)

In order for a merchant to use our services, The merchant needs to have a service (website) registered. A merchant can have multiple services, normally one for each website. Before we can add the website, we have to find out in which category the website should be placed. Some paymentmethods are only available for certain categories, so it is important to select the right one. To get a list of the available categories, see step 5 You can also check the example

$result = Paynl\Alliance\Service::add(array(
    'merchantId' => 'M-1820-9300',
    'name' => 'Sample Website', 
    'description' => 'Andy Test Add service By Api',
    'categoryId' => 9,// use Paynl\Alliance\Service::getCategories() to get the list of available categories
    'url' => '',
    'extraUrls' => array(
    'alwaysSendExchange' => true // set to false if you only want a notification on successfull payment (not recommended)
7. Getting available payment methods

To get a list of the available payment methods, see the following example

$paymentOptions = Paynl\Alliance\Service::getAvailablePaymentMethods(array('serviceId' => 'SL-2820-5610'));
$data = $paymentOptions->getData();


To get a list of the enabled payment methods, use the Paymentmethods::getList() from the Merchant SDK

$paymentMethods = \Paynl\Paymentmethods::getList();
8. Enable a payment method

To enable a payment method, see the following example Some payment method have settings. The Paynl\Alliance\Service::getAvailablePaymentMethods result has a settings array inside the result for payment methods that have settings.

$success = Paynl\Alliance\Service::enablePaymentMethod(array(
    'serviceId' => 'SL-2820-5610',
    'paymentMethodId' => 739,
    'settings' => array( // optional for payment methods that have settings.
        'merchantId' => 1234,
        'merchantPassword' => 'p4ssw0rd',
        'portefeuilleId' => '1'

    // enabled
9. Disable a payment method

To disble a payment method, see the following example

$success = Paynl\Alliance\Service::disablePaymentMethod(array(
    'serviceId' => 'SL-2820-5610',
    'paymentMethodId' => 739    

    // disabled
10. Get statistics of your submerchants

You can get the statistics of your submerchants. For example to calculate the amount for the invoice in the next step See the following example

You can use the predefined periods


For example

$result = Paynl\Alliance\Statistics::getStats(array(
    'period' => \Paynl\Alliance\Statistics::PERIOD_LAST_WEEK

Or if you want to use your own start and end date

$result = Paynl\Alliance\Statistics::getStats(array(
    'startDate' => new DateTime('2015-03-01'),
    'endDate' => new DateTime('2015-03-10')
11. Creating an invoice for a merchant

You can add an invoice for a merchant. In order to be able to add an invoice to a merchant, you'll have to set the settleBalance option to true, when adding a merchant in step 1 See the following example


$result = Paynl\Alliance\Invoice::add(array(
    // Required
    'merchantId' => 'M-1234-1234', // the id of the merchant
    'invoiceId' => 'INV012345', // Your reference number to the invoice
    'amount' => 25.75, // The total amount of the invoice
    'description' => 'Test invoice', // The description of the invoice

    // Optional
    'invoiceUrl' => '', // the url to the invoice
    'makeYesterday' => true // if the invoice needs to be added in today's clearing, set this to true

$referenceId = $result->referenceId();

About SDK for alliance






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