Foundation is a family of responsive front-end frameworks that make it easy to design beautiful responsive websites, apps and emails that look amazing on any device. Foundation is semantic, readable, flexible, and completely customizable.
This package allows to quickly open a Zurb Foundation project from Sublime Text.
Package Control
Select 'Zurb Foundation' from the Install Package... menu
Vanilla Sublime
Clone this repo into your Packages folder and Rename folder name 'Sublime-Foundation-master' to 'Foundation'.
Just run the command:
Foundation: New Project
Provide a path for your new project and hit enter. That's it!
If you're using Sublime Text 2, there's no way to set the current project programmatically, so you'll have to select the new .sublime-project file from the dialog that appears.
: The url to a customized build from with the skeleton you want to proceed. -
: The location that will be pre-filled in the dialog box on creation.
Preferences>Package Settings>Foundation>Settings-User
"zip_url": "",
"default_path": "C:/xampp/htdocs/projectName"
Since, i use Zurb Foundation instead of HTML Boilerplate for most of my projects, So i made this plugin which is inspired from Initializr plugin made by Dan Drinkard.