This repository contains code needed to setup and run an exit node on the Lethean Virtual Private Network (VPN) or to use the Lethean network as a client in CLI mode. If you are looking for GUI, please look here
Lethean uses gitflow. The master branch is the most stable/current release.
The exit node is currently only supported on Linux.
ITNS (aka LTHN) VPN dispatcher is a tool that orchestrates all other modules (proxy, VPN, config, etc.). It does not provide any VPN functionality by itself. The dispatcher uses system packages whenever possible but it runs all instances manually after invoking. More info about technical design can be found here
As a client, dispatcher uses global SDP platform to fetch data about provider and connect there. There is no automatic payment functionality inside client. It is up to user to send corresponding payments from wallet to provider. Client will show only instructions what to pay. We do not want to have any connection from client to your wallet allowing automatic payment. More information about client mode is here
As a server, dispatcher helps you to create, publish and run your service as a provider. More info about server mode is here or installation on Raspberry PI here
We have prepared docker images for you. It is probably easiest way how to run client or exit node. There is directory which needs to be mounted to host: /opt/lthn/etc . If you want to get syslog events from docker, you must bind /dev/log too.
ENV1=value [ENV2=value2] docker run -p expose:internal \
--mount type=bind,source=$(pwd)/etc,target=/opt/lthn/etc \
--mount type=bind,source=/dev/log,target=/dev/log \
limosek/lethean-vpn:devel [cmd [args]]
where cmd can be:
run [args] to run dispatcher
list [args] to list available services
connect uri [args] to run client
letheand [args] to run letheand
easy-deploy [args] to easy deploy node
upload-sdp [args] to upload SDP
sync-bc to fast sync blockhain data from server.
wallet-rpc [args] to run wallet-rpc-daemon
wallet-cli [args] to run wallet-cli
sh to go into shell
localetc is local directory to store configs locallog is local directory to store logs expose is port to expose to outside internal is internal port of dispatcher
ENV variables which you can use:
# Daemon host. Set to empty string to use local daemon with complete copy of blockchain.
# Wallet file. It is relative to etc directory.
# If you want to use external wallet, set this to RPC of external wallet host
# Wallet password. Default is to generate random password
# Wallet RPC password. Default is to generate random password. Username used by dispatcher is 'dispatcher'
# To restore wallet from this height. Only applicable for local wallet.
# CA password. Default to generate random password
# Common Name for CN
ENV CA_CN="LTHNEasyDeploy"
# If you already have providerid. In other case, autogenerate
# If you already have providerkey. In other case, autogenerate
# Provider name
# Provider type
ENV PROVIDER_TYPE="residential"
# Service endpoint. You need to change this in SDP later
# Service port
Create configs and certificates (or copy your existing /opt/lthn/etc dir here.) Easiest way to create from scratch is probably to easy-deploy. Do not forget to allocate terminal for easy-deploy (-t -i):
mkdir etc
docker run -t -i \
--mount type=bind,source=$(pwd)/etc,target=/opt/lthn/etc \
--mount type=bind,source=/dev/log,target=/dev/log \
limosek/lethean-vpn:devel easy-deploy
After easy-deploy, all config files will be stored in your local etc directory. You can edit sdp.json, dispatcher.ini and other things to respect your needs. To upload your local SDP, use
docker run --mount type=bind,source=$(pwd)/etc,target=/opt/lthn/etc \
--mount type=bind,source=/dev/log,target=/dev/log \
limosek/lethean-vpn:devel upload-sdp
Than to run dispatcher:
docker run -p 8080:8080 --mount type=bind,source=$(pwd)/etc,target=/opt/lthn/etc \
--mount type=bind,source=/dev/log,target=/dev/log \
Please note this is low level client. By default it does not dynamically create authid or mgmtid. It just need strict instructions what to do. Even more, it will not send any payments for service. It will only instruct you how much pay and how to pay. You can parse your syslog messages to see how to pay.
List all services from SDP platform:
docker run limosek/lethean-vpn:devel list
Connect to URI: See here for information about URI format
docker run -p 8180:8180 --mount type=bind,source=/dev/log,target=/dev/log limosek/lethean-vpn:devel connect providerid:serviceid
Test proxy:
curl -x http://localhost:8180 -L
By default, docker image assumes that you want to use remote daemon provided by Lethean. If you want to run your own daemon, you can instruct docker by setting DAEMON_HOST to empty string. But you need to store blockchain outside of the wallet:
DAEMON_HOST='' docker run \
--mount type=bind,source=$(pwd)/etc,target=/opt/lthn/etc \
--mount type=bind,source=$(pwd)/bcdata,target=/home/lthn \
You can even use our docker image to run standalone daemon. If blockchain dir is empty, docker image will pull actual data using zsync which is very fast.
docker run -t \
--mount type=bind,source=$(pwd)/etc,target=/opt/lthn/etc \
--mount type=bind,source=$(pwd)/bcdata,target=/home/lthn \
limosek/lethean-vpn:devel letheand
There can be local laws and legality issues in your country or company. Check your legislative about this. We cannot say universally that something is legal or not. It can differ in countries over the world but you should follow at last some basic rules:
You should not allow user to connect to your own network until you are sure you want to. Please refer to server documentation about access lists.
This is probably most critical and complex part. Primary goal of entire Lethean project is privacy for users. But, of course, somebody can use privacy to harmful somebody other. It is your responsibility as a provider to do maximum against these users. Our project is here for good users which needs privacy. We will implement many features how to help you with this filtering.
You can filter your traffic for specific sites. Please refer to server
If somebody does something harmful, you are responsible as an exit node. It is up to you.
Both client and server works perfectly on IPv4 network. We are working on full native IPv6 support but for now, see this matrix.
Client | Provider | Web | Support |
IPv4 | IPv4 | IPv4/IPv6 | Full |
IPv6 | IPv6 | IPv4/IPv6 | No-session-tracking |
There are lot of next dependencies which you MUST follow to be anonymous. Refer to tor. I a short review, your browser, your OS and all other tools around can be used to identify you. At least, use dedicated browser with anonymous mode enabled.
Everything related to client part. More information here
Example config files and configuration templates.
Code related to VPN server part. More information here
Library files
Various scripts and tools