Problem: Polygonization of a point-set S with n points in
This is an extension of this work.
The implemented algorithms are based on the following papers:
- Local Search algorithm from [1]
- Simulated Annealing algorithm from [2]
- Ant Colony Optimization from [3]
A detailed report of this project it is provided in the Report.pdf
Dependency: Make sure you have CGAL installed, or download it from here.
Go to build/
directory and run:
$ cmake .. && make
$ ./optimal_polygon -i <input file> -o <output file>
-algorithm <local_search/simulated_annealing/ant_colony>
-init_algo <onion/ch2poly | except ant_colony>
-L [L parameter according to algorithm]
âmax [maximal area polygonization]
âmin [minimal area polygonization]
âthreshold <double only in in local search>
âannealing <local/global/subdivision only in simulated annealing>
-alpha <double> -beta <double> -rho <double> elitism <0 or 1>
[alpha, beta, rho, elitism only in ant_colony]
[1]: Greedy and Local Search Heuristics to Build Area-Optimal Polygons
[2]: Nir Goren, Efi Fogel, and Dan Halperin. 2022. Area Optimal Polygonization Using Simulated Annealing. ACM J. Exp. Algorithmics 27, Article 2.3 (December 2022), 17 pages.
[3]: Taranilla, M.T., Gagliardi, E.O., & Peñalver, G.H. (2011). Approaching minimum area polygonization.
*Equal contribution.