Software for the EEZYbotARM MK1
In the directory eezybot_server_nodemcu you will find the Arduino code for the EEZYbotARM MK1 server. Connect the servos as follows:
- Pin D0 = move arm left/right
- Pin D1 = move arm up/down
- Pin D5 = move arm forward/backward
- Pin D6 = gripper
- Pin D7 = gate
I have used a NodeMCU v2 and placed that on a base board (see The base board allows you to connect 1 5V power source and hook everything up to the base board. I also used a level shifter (like this one) because the servos don't seem to like the 3.3v that the NodeMCU supplies on the digital output pins. The level shifter will ensure the PWM signal is 5v.