Yet Another Serializer/Deserializer specialized for XML
This library will support XML de/ser-ializing with all specific features.
- Struct
- Vec
- Enum
- Enum with complex types
- Option
- String
- bool
- number (u8, i8, u32, i32, f32, f64)
- attribute: this field is defined as an attribute
- default: defines the default function to init the field
- flatten: Flatten the contents of the field
- namespace: defines the namespace of the field
- rename: be able to rename a field
- root: rename the based element. Used only at the XML root.
- skip_serializing_if: Skip the serialisation for this field if the condition is true
- text: this field match to the text content
Any type can define a custom deserializer and/or serializer. To implement it, define the implementation of YaDeserialize/YaSerialize
impl YaDeserialize for MyType {
fn deserialize<R: Read>(reader: &mut yaserde::de::Deserializer<R>) -> Result<Self, String> {
// deserializer code
impl YaSerialize for MyType {
fn serialize<W: Write>(&self, writer: &mut yaserde::ser::Serializer<W>) -> Result<(), String> {
// serializer code