A language for producing art implemented on Racket, inspired by Context Free.
Check out this repository, or download the ZIP file and extract. Start up Racket and open the Package Manager, using the 'Do What I Mean' tab set the Package Source to the directory you've just checked out and click Install.
Some places to start:
- some examples
- the beginnings of a tutorial
- artwork translated from the Context Free Gallery
#lang s-exp stamps/lang
(define-shape sierp
(sierp [translate 0 0.288]
[scale 0.5 ]
[brightness 0.1 ])
(sierp [translate -0.25 -0.144]
[scale 0.5 ]
[brightness 0.1 ])
(sierp [translate 0.25 -0.144]
[scale 0.5 ]
[brightness 0.1 ]))
(start-shape sierp)
#lang s-exp stamps/lang
(define-shape tree
(branch [flip 90]))
(define-shape branch
[98 =>
(circle [scale 0.9]
[brightness 1])
(branch [y 0.2]
[scale 0.99]
[rotate 3])]
[2 =>
(circle [scale 0.9]
[brightness 1])
(branch [y 0.2]
[scale 0.99]
[flip 90])
(branch [y 0.2]
[scale 0.6]
[brightness 0.2])])
(start-shape tree)
#lang s-exp stamps/lang
(define-shape S
(square [s 0.5 ]
[b 1 ])
(S [r .2 ]
[t .7 .7]
[s .995 ]
[b .002 ]))
(background '(0 0 .5))
(start-shape S)
#lang s-exp stamps/lang
(define-shape start
((stem 8) [h 300]))
(define-shape (stem branches)
((loop ([i branches])
((branch (random-real -6 6)) [x .1]
[r (* i (/ branches 360))]
[s .7]))))
(define-shape (branch turn)
[1 => (circle [sat .4])
((branch turn) [x .1 ]
[s .99 ]
[r turn]
[b .01 ])]
[ .1 => ((branch (random-real -6 6)))]
[ .04 => ((stem (random-integer 1 4)))]
[.001 => ])
(background '(0 0 0))
(maximum-render-cycles 100000)
(start-shape start)