- remove the submodule for filters that points to [email protected]:patient_view_filters.git in the .gitmodules file
- create a src/main/filters/${env}-filters.properties for your profile
- install the db using patientview/src/sql/mysql/patientview.sql
- run the maven build command:
mvn clean package -P<profile-name>
The war file will be built to the maven target directory.
- Setup a maven run configuration with the following goals:
clean compile war:inplace tomcat7:run
Select the localhost profile
Supply the following VM parameters to the run configuration runner tab to allocate enough memory and to allow the JSPs to compile:
-Xmx512m -XX:MaxPermSize=128m -Dorg.apache.jasper.compiler.Parser.STRICT_QUOTE_ESCAPING=false
This will clear down any temporary files (as specified by the maven clean plugin and .gitignore file). Build the exploded war over the main/src/webapp directory. Starts an embedded Tomcat 7 server and runs the webapp.
NOTE: The build is still dependent of Tomcat due to datasource and configuration so you cannot use Jetty.
- Not possible using the embedded tomcat maven plugin
- Build the webapp using maven:
clean compile war:inplace
- Create a local Tomcat 7 run configuration and run the webapp directory as an exploded war artifact.
- Make sure you turn off any "before launch" options so not to interfere with the maven output.
- From the settings menu, go to Compiler - Annotation Processors
- Enable annotation processing
- Add an annotation processor: org.hibernate.jpamodelgen.JPAMetaModelEntityProcessor
- Turn on processing for the patientview module: generated sources directory name: target/generated-sources
- Make sure you have set the generated-sources directory to be on the classpath for the project
git submodule add git@mygithost:billboard lib/billboard
git submodule init
git submodule update
I've found it necessary to perform a git pull when in the directory of the submodule to update the submodule files locally.
git submodule rm lib/billboard
To update submodules when building setup this execute shell pre step:
git submodule foreach git checkout master
git submodule foreach git pull
- Users land at www.patientview.org
- Tenancy generic landing page invites uses to login
- We will extract user login details out of the user table into a tenant schema
- The spring security success handler will check the user's tenancies. Single tenancy uses will be forwarded directly to the tenancy landing page, e.g. www.patientview.org/rpv
- Multi-tenant users will hit www.patientview.org/launchpad which will allow them to select a tenancy to be redirected to.
- Should the user have no tenancy the user will not even be able to log in
- Once the user arrives at a tenancy their session will be noted as associated with that tenancy. We will have new methods to get the current user role for the tenancy.
- User can change tenancy via the tenancy switcher or by logging out.
- Should the user try to manually change their URL to view data from a separate tenancy they will either get a not authorised error HTTP 403 (if the user doesn't have a role for that tenancy) or they will get a HTTP 404 response.
- All secure links/URLs in the application must be prefixed by the tenancy context, e.g. www.patientview.org/rpv/patient/patient_details.do
- Each tenancy will have a spring security configuration to secure URLs with roles, e.g. /rpv/* requires ROLE_RPV_PATIENT or RPV_ROLE_UNITADMIN
- The links in the templates will be directed to the tenancy context automatically using PatientViewLinkTag that overrides via
- We will implement a custom tenancy servlet filter that appears after the spring security filter in the stack.
- This will create a virtual tenancy context without need for rewriting anything in struts or the JSPs
- The filter will strip off tenancy context and forward down the filter chain
- It will NOT check the tenancy requested matches the tenancy selected in the user's session to control tenancy switching.
- This filter has no responsibility for security - that is ALL handled by spring security.
- Requests that don't start with a valid tenancy context will need to be dropped and considered an attempt to bypass spring security
- The following should pass through:
- /**/*.css
- /**/*.js
- /images/**/*
- /login.jsp
- /newsView.do?id=xyz
- /disclaimer.do
- /help.do
- /index.do
- /infoLinks.do
- There will be no security to stop users accessing "hidden" tenancy specific features
- Templates will have tenancy specific content by extending the PatientViewPresentTag to allow conditional templates e.g.
<logic:present tenancy="rpv">
- CSS, there will be a common base CSS for all tenancies, if necessary we can have custom .css files for each tenancies.
- The application will not supply different HTML markup per tenancy.
- Todo
- Superadmin users can now be setup per tenancy. A per tenancy superadmin implements the "specialityadmin" role described in the spec.
Refactor Hibernate code from Utils and Action classes into Manager and Dao interfaces
Move all classes managed by JPA into model package
Replace hibernate xml mappings with JPA annotations
Add id pk columns to tables
Review service level transactions are sufficient
Write test cases for each new Dao and Manager method
Review patients - it mixes JDBC and hibernate
Review how adding a PK to model classes will break all the forms - in particular the edit screens