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A debugging transformer for roblox-ts. Contains helper functions for debugging roblox-ts code with debug information attached.

How it works

Say we have this example code:

import { $dbg, $print } from "rbxts-transform-debug";

export function makeHello(name: string) {
	return $dbg(`Hello from ${name}!`);

const x = 42;
$dbg(10 > 20);

The emit would be:

local function makeHello(name)
	return (function(value)
		print("[src/shared/module.ts:4] `Hello from ${name}!` =", value)
		return value
	end)("Hello from " .. name .. "!")
local x = 42
print("[src/shared/module.ts:8] 10 > 20 =", 10 > 20)
print("[src/shared/module.ts:9] x =", x)
print("[src/shared/module.ts:10]", makeHello("Vorlias"))

If this code was ran, our output would give:

[src/shared/module.ts:8] 10 > 20 = false
[src/shared/module.ts:9] x = 42
[src/shared/module.ts:2] `Hello from ${name}!` = Hello from Vorlias!
[src/shared/module.ts:10] Hello from Vorlias!



Based on rust's dbg! macro.

Will print out the expression + it's value prefixed by a file name + line number. If it is a complex expression (e.g. a right hand side expression) this will be done via an IIFE, otherwise a regular print statement.


const x = 10;
print("[source.ts:2] x =", 10)


function test() {
	return 10;
const value = $dbg(test());
local function test() 
	return 10
local value = (function(value)
	print("[source.ts:4] test() =", value)
	return value


Generates an object with git information. If you pass property names to it, it will filter out the object's properties.

  • .ISODate - An ISO-8601 formatted date of the date and time of the commit when the code was compiled

  • .Timestamp - A unix timestamp of the commit when the code was compiled

  • .LatestTag - The latest tag being used (e.g. v1.1.0) when this code was compiled

  • .CommitHash - The full commit hash (e.g. 342db0bd208658f52a8464ace298765c04a3a78b) this code was compiled on

  • .Commit - The commit hash in seven characters (e.g. 342db0b) this code was compiled on

  • .Branch - The name of the branch this was compiled on


Emits an expression representing the current compile time, if no arguments are specified - this is the unix timestamp. Accepts:

  • "DateTime" - Will emit a DateTime object representing the compile time
  • "UnixTimestamp" - Will emit the compile time as a unix timestamp (default)
  • "UnixTimestampMillis" - Will emit the compile time as unix timestamp in milliseconds
  • "ISO-8601" - Will emit the compile time as an ISO-8601 compatible date/time string


Same as print, but will prefix the print with the file name + line number. Also controlled by the below settings as to whether or not it's emitted.

$print("Hello, World!");
print("[source.ts:1]", "Hello, World!");


Same as warn, but will prefix the warning with the file name + line number. Also controlled by the below settings. Also controlled by the below settings as to whether or not it's emitted.

$warn("Hello, World!");
warn("[source.ts:1]", "Hello, World!");


environmentRequires [Object]

An object of environment variable names mapped to either the required value, or true (if you want to only chekc that it's set)

The purpose of this is to conditionally render the $dbg calls as the debug statements only if environment variables match your set conditions.

enabled [Boolean] (Defaults to true)

Whether or not this transformer actually emits the $dbg as debug statements at all. If false, it will just return the expressions themselves.