This repository implements a ray tracer in Go by following The Ray Tracer Challenge book
- The book lays out a language-agnostic TDD plan for implementing a ray tracer from scratch
- Window rendering and input handling provided by Go library ebiten
- I highly recommend the book. 5 stars!
W: Zoom in
S: Zoom out
A/D/Q/E/Z/C: Move camera position (wip)
LeftArrow/UpArrow/RightArrow/DownArrow: Move camera focal point (wip)
N: next scene
M: next camera position
Numpad plus: Increase ray bounces
Numpad minus: Decrease ray bounces
Numpad multiply (*): Increase rendering goroutines
Numpad divide (/): Decrease rendering goroutines
Bonus online chapters: Soft shadows, Bounding Volume Hierarchies, UV texture mapping, Skyboxes
Chapter 15: Triangles & Meshes & Parse .obj files. Bonus feature: parse .rpl Toribash replay files
Scene pictures one of my Toribash fight replays immortalized into seven glass marbles. With T-posing mesh reptilians in a staring contest.
Toribash replays only capture keyframes with the engine simulating the rest in between, some frames are lost in the render.
Send me a replay file if you want a scene of your own!
- Add .obj file parsing. Creates raytracing triangle natives from mesh description.
- Add .rpl Toribash replay file parsing. Creates raytracing natives from replay keyframes.
Chapter 14: Groups
Chapter 13: Cylinders and cones
Chapter 11: Spheres and mirror
Chapter 11: Hollow glass sphere against checkerboard
Chapter 11: Submerged spheres in water
Chapter 4: Rendering shapes