typescript implementation of a verifiable log based on MMR's
With a tile like interface for contrast with tiles a'la RFC 9162 and sunlight
// Note: bundling tbd, so imports should be direct for now
import { sha256, TileStorageProvider, TileLog, kat32_leaves } from 'mmriver';
const storage = new TileStorageProvider(':memory:');
const params = {
tile_height, hash_size,
hash_function: sha256,
// tile_height would typically be around 12-15,
// here we use 1, which matches the tests, and results in a log whose tiles each contain 2 leaves.
const params = {tile_height: 1, hash_size: 32, hash_function: sha256, storage};
const log = new TileLog(params);
log.append(kat39_leaves); // canonical Known Answer Test leaves
// leaf 2 is mmr index 3, getting the proof for MMR(15) to MMR(25) will always produce the peak at 14
const proof: Uint8Array[] = inclusion_proof_path(2, 15).map((i) => log.get(i));
const root = new Uint8Array(included_root(log.cfg.hash_function, 2, log.get(2), proof));
if (!bytes_equal(root, hex2bytes("78b2b4162eb2c58b229288bbcb5b7d97c7a1154eed3161905fb0f180eba6f112")))
throw new Error("inclusion proof failed");
See tilelog.test.ts, tiles.test.ts and algorithms.test.ts for more examples