Follows LinkedIn Learning's "Full Stack Web Development with Flask" to create a Flask project, set up a database system using Flask-MongoEngine, work with web forms, integrate Flask-Security, and create and test REST APIs using Postman.
Please see the setup documentation regarding this.
- You should be able to register a user. This can be done from the
path. - You should be able to login as a user after registering. This can be done from the
- .github/workflows - Holds the GitHub Actions files that enables CI/CD software workflows
- .postman - Holds files related to Postman setup for API testing
- .vscode - Holds the Visual Studio Code settings for this project
- application - Holds the application specific code for this project
- mongo-setup - Holds the files needed to populate our MongoDB instance
- .flake8 - Configuration file for the flake8 Python linter
- .flaskenv - Defines some parameters that Flask needs to run
- .gitignore - Defines the files/folders to ignore in this repository
- .markdownlint.rb - Configuration file for the pre-commit markdown linter
- .markdownlint.yaml - Configuration file for the GitHub Actions markdown linter
- .pre-commit-config.yaml - Defines the linting plugins that run before any commit. See
- - Defines the configurations for the server
- LICENSE - Licensing file
- - Calls the application's entrypoint
- requirements.txt - Pip package requirements for enabling developers to contribute. See
- - Setup instructions for contributors