This fork adds the ablity to use an external database instead of a local SQLite3 database. PostgreSQL has been added first but MySQL/MariaDB is possible also using either database driver MySQLdb or pymysql.
In order to use this plugin with PostgreSQL, the database driver psycopg2 must be installed in the Python environment you are running OctoPrint in. ex:
../venv37/pip install psycopg2
The OctoPrint-Plugin stores all print-job informations of a print in a local database. These informations were collected from OctoPrint itself, but also from other plugins. See below for more information abaut these plugins.
This plugin, as well as my other plugins were developed in my spare time. If you like it, I would be thankful about a cup of coffee :)
- Print result (success, fail, cancel)
- Start/End datetime -> duration
- Temperatures Bed/Extruder -> HINT: Only single Extruder-Temperature is currently collected
- Username
- Filename, filesize
- Note (WYSIWYG-Editor)
- Image (single Image)
- Printed Layers/Height
- Spoolname
- Material
- Used/Calculated length
- Used weight
- Filament cost
- Slicer Settings (look here for "how to use it")
- Export all data from PrintHistory-Plugin as CSV
- List all printjobs
- Edit single printjob
- Capture/Upload Image
- Filter history table (only print result)
- Sort history table (printdate, filename)
- Table column visibility
- Capture image after print
- Take Thumbnail from UltimakerFormatPackage and PrusaSlicer Thumbnails
- Export all printjobs as CSV
- Import printjobs from CSV
- Better error-feedback (more then just the "happy-path")
- No report diagramms
- PreHeat
- Starting Temperature
- FillamentManager
- Spool - Informations
- DisplayLayerProgress
- Layer and Height
- UltimakerFormatPackage
- Thumbnail
- PrusaSlicer-Thumbnail
- Thumbnail
.. see:
- Poll: "What is the next big thing?" OllisGit#6
- Planning Board:
Install via the bundled Plugin Manager or manually using this URL:
see Planning-Board
see Release-Overview