A simple app that reports near duplicate articles using distance in a vector-space model.
Currently, the repository is missing example articles as well as examples of the filter and replacement word lists necessary for running the code. However, I hope that the code will serve as a useful example.
$ ./sbt assembly
A jar (dedup-assembly-0.1.jar
) will be created under target/scala_2.10
Import data:
Create a directory called workdir
for intermediate files.
$ spark-submit --master local[20] \
--executor-memory 200G \
--driver-memory 200G \
--class com.redhat.et.DedupApp
target/scala_2.1.0/dedup-assembly-0.1.jar \
--work-dir workdir \
import-data \
--articles /path/to/article.json \
--filter-words /path/to/filter-words.txt \
--replacement-words /path/to/replacement-words.txt \
--min-word-count 5
Compute Histogram: Histogram document pairs based on distances. The histogram may appear bimodal, suggesting a natural threshold for predictions.
$ spark-submit --master local[20] \
--executor-memory 200G \
--driver-memory 200G \
--class com.redhat.et.DedupApp
target/scala_2.1.0/dedup-assembly-0.1.jar \
--work-dir workdir \
histogram \
--bin-width 0.05
--histogram-file histogram.txt \
--tfidf \
Predict duplicate pairs:
$ spark-submit --master local[20] \
--executor-memory 200G \
--driver-memory 200G \
--class com.redhat.et.DedupApp
target/scala_2.1.0/dedup-assembly-0.1.jar \
--work-dir workdir \
rankings \
--rankings-file rankings.txt \
--tfidf \
--normalize \
--threshold 0.5