To run AbAnalysis on a single FASTA or FASTQ file:
python -i <input-file> -o <output-directory> -t <temp-directory>
To iteratively run AbAnalysis on all files in an input directory:
python -i <input-directory> -o <output-directory> -t <temp-directory>
-m, --merge
Input directory should contain paired FASTQ (or gzipped FASTQ) files. Paired files will be merged with PANDAseq prior to processing with AbAnalysis.
-u N, --uaid N
Sequences contain a unique antibody ID (uaid) of length N. The uaid will be parsed and added to the JSON output.
-s, --species
Select the species from which the input sequences are derived. Supported options are 'human', 'mouse', and 'macaque'. Default is 'human'.
-n, --next_seq
Use if the sequences were generated on a NextSeq sequencer. Multiple lane files from the same sample will be merged.
Two helper scripts are included:
performs PANDAseq merging on a directory of paired FASTQ (or gzipped FASTQ) files.
iteratively imports a directory of JSON files into a MongoDB database.
Python 3 >= 3.7
biopython >= 1.76
requires PANDAseq (
requires MongoDB >= 2.6 ( and pymongo >= 3.7
You don't need to install igblastn. The binaries are included in this repository.
AbAnalysis should work correctly with Windows(x86, x64), Linux, OS X
You can install almost all the requirements with pip or anaconda
pandaseq will require some level of professional skills to compile binaries for Windows. OS X/Linux compiled versions you can find under the official releases tab on GitHub (
If you need Python 2 version, please, download python2 branch.