git clone
cd rescan
gcc -w -o rescan rescan.c
sudo cp rescan /usr/local/bin
samtools view in.bam [ region ] | rescan [ options ]
Argument | Type | Description |
--regions (-r ) |
FILE | file name for bed-format, position-sorted regions |
--id (-i ) |
STRING | sample ID |
--chr (-c ) |
STRING | chromosome for reporting rescan statistics |
--start (-s ) |
INT | start position for reporting rescan statistics |
--end (-e ) |
INT | end position for reporting rescan statistics |
--jump (-j ) |
INT | number of bases to jump by in printing output |
--distance (-d ) |
INT | up/downstream distance for searching |
--maxfrag (-m ) |
INT | maximum fragment length allowed |
--minq (-q ) |
INT | minimum mapping quality for good reads |
--help (-h ) |
- | get help |
As well as controlling data flow into REscan using SAMtools (see Feed it only the data it needs under Caveats and features, below), you have three options for specifying regions for REscan output:
Don't specify regions
REscan will output statistics for every locus encountered, skipping over bases if
) is specified. Output data will correspond to every chromosome encountered in RNAME in the input stream, starting at the lowest position encountered for each chromosome (potentially minus distance [-d
] parameter if read is reverse orientation) and finishing at the highest position for that chromosome. -
Specify a single region
) can be used to instruct REscan only to output data for a single region. -
Specify multiple regions
), a BED-format regions file can be specified. Expected format is tab-delimited, with chromosome, start and end positions and an optional name for each region (eg gene/transcript name). Regions should be position-sorted, with chromosomes in the same order as they appear in the SAM data. Example:
chr6 16299112 16761490 ATXN1
chr9 27546545 27573866 C9orf72
chr12 111452268 111599676 ATXN2
Report REscan statistics for all of chromosome 9 from input.bam
and store in output.vcf
samtools view input.bam chr9 | rescan > output.vcf
Stream chromosome 9 data from input.bam
and report REscan statistics just for the region chr9:27570000-27577000. Specify larger fragment length than default (-d
samtools view input.bam chr9 | rescan -c chr9 -s 27570000 -e 27577000 -d 600 > output.vcf
Stream from a genome file called jim_genome.bam
and report REscan statistics for all transcripts with genomic coordinates specified in transcripts.bed
. Specify sample ID as Jim
. Only report every 100th base (-j
). Compress the output with bgzip
samtools view jim_genome.bam | rescan -r transcripts.bed -i Jim -j 100 | bgzip > jim_rescan.vcf.gz
REscan is a simple tool for counting the number of poorly-paired reads spanning a region, possibly reflecting the presence of a repeat expansion. Results are reported as the fraction of reads with unmapped or distantly-mapped mates. Output is VCF-format with a field RS
, representing the REscan statistic rx/rt, where rx is the number of poorly-mapped reads pointing towards the locus (represented as BM
or "badmapped" in the VCF output) and rt is the total number of (nearby) reads pointing into the locus (sum of BM
and GM
or "goodmapped" in the VCF output).
REscan reads from stdin
This is for simplicity and flexibility, so it can be built into pipelines (eg using
samtools view
), as detailed above. -
REscan writes to stdout
Again for flexibility; it is recommended you pipe into
(block gzip tool that comes withtabix
--sudo apt install tabix
) so that you can index and fast-access regions later (tabix output.vcf.gz
). -
REscan expects paired-end, position-sorted data
The fundamentals of the REscan statistic rely on mapped reads with poorly-mapped mates, so you should use paired-end sequence data. It won't do anything useful with single-end data.
REscan expects only one sample per run
You'll get funky results if you stream a merged BAM file. You can set sample ID using the
) argument (defaults toNA
). -
Feed it only the data it needs
If you are only generating statistics for certain regions (eg specified using
) then consider also only inputting data relevant to these regions from SAMtools. Bear in mind that for the edges of your regions you will also need SAM data +/- some distance (eg, say, 500 bases) so that you will accurately count reads orientated into your loci of interest. One sensible solution issamtools view in.bam -L regions1.bed | rescan -r regions2.bed [...]
, whereregions2.bed
contains your regions of interest andregions1.bed
contains those regions extended by +/- 500 bp. -
REscan doesn't do variant calling per se
The REscan statistic is very basic; REscan will not measure the repeat length, for example. For a more comprehensive tool, try ExpansionHunter or one of the many punSTR programmes.
It won't just identify repeat expansions
There are many ways to end up with poorly-mapped mates as defined by REscan (eg inversions, translocations, CNVs). This programme is called REscan because the original motivation to write it was to identify novel potential repeat expansions. A high statistic at a locus warrants further investigation and should not be considered as definitive evidence for a repeat expansion. You should follow up with other tools and wet-lab validation, if possible.
REscan assumes chromosomes are linear
It doesn't (currently) do anything fancy with circular chromosomes like the mitochondrial genome so statistics at SAM positions 0 or length(chr) won't be quite right.
If your data aren't human, you might need to tweak
The longest chromosome length the algorithm can handle is defined in
macro (268,435,456, ie 2^28, at time of writing). This is long enough to fit human chromosome 1; if you are working with an organism with longer chromosomes you will need to change this number and recompile. -
Know your input data
It is useful to know a bit about the provenance of your data and how it looks before you use this tool. For example, if you can find it out, it is useful to know the mean fragment length of DNA molecules used in library preparation, and to set
) accordingly. You could also, of course, look at the fragment size distribution in your SAM data in advance to inform this decision. -
Know your output data
Generating these statistics is just the beginning of an exploratory journey; you should look at your data and have a think about how you might clean them up (eg standardising within individuals) and, for interesting loci, cross-reference with structural variant callers. If you still suspect a repeat expansion, have a look at the reference genome for potential motifs.
GNU General Public license v3
McLaughlin, RL. (2020) REscan: inferring repeat expansions and structural variation in paired-end short read sequencing data. Bioinformatics, advance online publication.