an efficient genotype representation type
This type provides efficient, 1-byte packed storage of genotypes. It supports insertions and deletions as I and D, compatibility with some bioinformation software packages. Operators for I/O have been carefully selected based on benchmarking on recent x86_64 hardware. Allele order is preserved, so the type is suitable for haplotype storage. Invalid genotypes are rejected.
curl -s -S -L > unzip (cd pg_genotype-master && make PG_CONFIG=<optional custom pg_config path>) (cd pg_genotype-master && make PG_CONFIG=<optional custom pg_config path> install) (cd ~postgres && sudo -u postgres psql -c 'CREATE EXTENSION pg_genotype;')
testuser=# SELECT 'AT'::genotype; genotype ---------- AT (1 row)testuser=# SELECT 'TA'::genotype; genotype ---------- TA (1 row)
testuser=# SELECT 'ID'::genotype; genotype ---------- ID (1 row)
testuser=# SELECT 'TD'::genotype; genotype ---------- TD (1 row)
testuser=# SELECT 'BC'::genotype; ERROR: invalid input syntax for genotype: "BC" LINE 1: SELECT 'BC'::genotype;