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Merge pull request #39 from rleonid/naive_bayes
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Implementations of various Naive Bayes classifier.
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rleonid committed May 15, 2015
2 parents 280bb96 + a945e1e commit 572aab7
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Showing 4 changed files with 441 additions and 0 deletions.
175 changes: 175 additions & 0 deletions src/lib/
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@@ -0,0 +1,175 @@

module List = ListLabels
open Util

type 'a probabilities = ('a * float) list

let most_likely = function
| [] -> invalidArg "Classify.most_likely: empty probabilities"
| h::tl ->
List.fold_left ~f:(fun ((_,p1) as c1) ((_,p2) as c2) ->
if p2 > p1 then c2 else c1) ~init:h tl
|> fst

let multiply_ref = ref true
let prod_arr, prod_arr2 =
if !multiply_ref then
(fun f x -> Array.fold_left (fun p x -> p *. f x) 1.0 x),
(fun f x y -> Array.fold2 (fun p x y -> p *. f x y) 1.0 x y)
(fun f x -> Array.fold_left (fun s x -> s +. log (f x)) 0.0 x |> exp),
(fun f x y -> Array.fold2 (fun s x y -> s +. log (f x y)) 0.0 x y |> exp)

type ('cls, 'ftr) naive_bayes =
(* Store the class prior in last element of the array. *)
{ table : ('cls * float array) list
; to_feature_array : 'ftr -> int array
; features : int

let eval ?(bernoulli=false) nb b =
let evidence = ref 0.0 in
let to_likelihood class_probs =
let idx = nb.to_feature_array b in
if bernoulli then
let set = Array.to_list idx in
prod_arr (fun i ->
if List.mem i ~set then
(1.0 -. class_probs.(i)))
(Array.init nb.features (fun x -> x))
prod_arr (fun i -> class_probs.(i)) idx
let byc = nb.table ~f:(fun (c, class_probs) ->
let prior = class_probs.(nb.features) in
let likelihood = to_likelihood class_probs in
let prob = prior *. likelihood in
evidence := !evidence +. prob;
(c, prob))
in byc ~f:(fun (c, prob) -> (c, prob /. !evidence))

let within a b x = max a (min x b)

type smoothing =
{ factor : float
; feature_space_size : int array

let estimate ?smoothing ~feature_size to_ftr_arr data =
if data = [] then
invalidArg "Classify.estimate: Nothing to train on"
let aa = feature_size + 1 in
let update arr idx =
Array.iter (fun i -> arr.(i) <- arr.(i) + 1) idx;
(* keep track of the class count at the end of array. *)
arr.(feature_size) <- arr.(feature_size) + 1;
let (total, all) =
List.fold_left data
~f:(fun (total, asc) (label, feature) ->
let n_asc =
let fr = List.assoc label asc in
update fr (to_ftr_arr feature);
with Not_found ->
let fr = Array.make aa 0 in
update fr (to_ftr_arr feature);
(label, fr) :: asc
total + 1, n_asc)
~init:(0, [])
let totalf = float total in
let cls_sz = float (List.length all) in
let to_prior_prob, to_lkhd_prob =
match smoothing with
| None ->
(fun count bkgrnd _ -> count /. bkgrnd),
(fun count bkgrnd _ -> count /. bkgrnd)
| Some s ->
(* TODO: Issue warning? Fail? *)
let sf = within 0.0 1.0 s.factor in
let fss = float s.feature_space_size in
(fun count bkgrnd space_size ->
(count +. sf) /. (bkgrnd +. sf *. space_size)),
(fun count bkgrnd idx ->
(count +. sf) /. (bkgrnd +. sf *. fss.(idx)))
let table = all ~f:(fun (cl, attr_count) ->
let prior_count = float attr_count.(feature_size) in
let likelihood =
Array.init aa (fun i ->
to_lkhd_prob (float attr_count.(i)) prior_count i)
(* Store the prior at the end. *)
likelihood.(feature_size) <- to_prior_prob prior_count totalf cls_sz;
cl, likelihood)
{ table
; to_feature_array = to_ftr_arr
; features = feature_size

type 'a gauss_bayes =
{ table : ('a * float * (float * float) array) list
; features : int

let gauss_eval gb features =
if Array.length features <> gb.features then
invalidArg "Classify:gauss_eval: Expected a features array of %d features."
let prod =
prod_arr2 (fun (mean,std) y -> Distributions.normal_pdf ~mean ~std y)
let evidence = ref 0.0 in
let byc = gb.table ~f:(fun (c, prior, class_params) ->
let likelihood = prod class_params features in
let prob = prior *. likelihood in
evidence := !evidence +. prob;
(c, prob))
in byc ~f:(fun (c, prob) -> (c, prob /. !evidence))

let gauss_estimate data =
if data = [] then
invalidArg "Classify.gauss_estimate: Nothing to train on!"
let update = Array.map2 Running.update in
let init = Running.init in
let features = Array.length (snd (List.hd data)) in
let total, by_class =
List.fold_left data
~f:(fun (t, acc) (cls, attr) ->
let (cf, rsar) = List.assoc cls acc in
let acc' = List.remove_assoc cls acc in
let nrs = update rsar attr in
let cf' = cf + 1 in
(t + 1, (cls, (cf', nrs)) :: acc')
with Not_found ->
(t + 1, (cls, (1, (init attr))) :: acc))
~init:(0, [])
let totalf = float total in
(* A lot of the literature in estimating Naive Bayes focuses on estimating
the parameters using Maximum Likelihood. The Running estimate of variance
computes the unbiased form. Not certain if we should implement the
n/(n-1) conversion below. *)
let table =
let select rs = rs.Running.mean, (sqrt rs.Running.var) in
|> ~f:(fun (c, (cf, rsarr)) ->
let class_prior = (float cf) /. totalf in
let attr_params = select rsarr in
(c, class_prior, attr_params))
{ table ; features }
53 changes: 53 additions & 0 deletions src/lib/classify.mli
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,53 @@

(** The classifiers below assign a discrete probability distribution over the
list of class 'a in their training set. *)
type 'a probabilities = ('a * float) list

(** [most_likely probabilities] returns the most likely class from the
discrete probability distribution. *)
val most_likely : 'a probabilities -> 'a

(** A discrete Naive Bayes classifier of class ['cls] by observing
features ['ftr]. *)
type ('cls, 'ftr) naive_bayes

(** When estimating a probability distribution by counting observed instances
in the feature space we may want to smooth the values, particularly if our
training data is sparse.
type smoothing =
{ factor : float (** Multiplicative factor *)
; feature_space_size : int array (** Size of the space of each feature.
Must be at least [feature_size] long.*)

(** [estimate smoothing feature_size to_feature_array training_data] trains a
discrete Naive Bayes classifier based on the [training_data].
[to_feature_array] maps a feature to an integer array of length
[feature_size]. Optionally, additive [smoothing] is applied to the final
estimates if provided.
val estimate : ?smoothing:smoothing -> feature_size:int ->
('ftr -> int array) -> ('cls * 'ftr) list ->
('cls, 'ftr) naive_bayes

(** [eval bernoulli classifier feature] classifies [feature]
according to [classifier]. if [bernoulli] is specified we treat the
underlying distribution as Bernoulli (as opposed to Multinomial) and
estimate the likelihood with (1-p_i) for features [i] that are missing
from [feature].
val eval : ?bernoulli:bool -> ('cls, 'ftr) naive_bayes -> 'ftr -> 'cls probabilities

(** A continuous Gaussian Naive Bayes classifier of class ['cls]. The
feature space is assumed to be a float array. *)
type 'cls gauss_bayes

(** [gauss_estimate training_data] trains a Gaussian Naive Bayes classifier from
[training_data], where all of the data are of the same length; feature size. *)
val gauss_estimate : ('cls * float array) list -> 'cls gauss_bayes

(** [gauss_eval classifier feature] classify the [feature] using the [classifier]. *)
val gauss_eval : 'cls gauss_bayes -> float array -> 'cls probabilities

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