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Merge pull request #9 from rki-mf1/bugfix/problems-running-freqcalc
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Solved problem for calculating Frequency Matrix
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hoelzer authored Sep 27, 2024
2 parents 3d86833 + 5109317 commit 7e79638
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Showing 4 changed files with 418 additions and 544 deletions.
27 changes: 7 additions & 20 deletions
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -14,9 +14,9 @@ Proceed as follows to install SMFC:
# download the repository to the current working directory using git
git clone
# build the custom software environment using conda [recommended]
conda env create -n sonar -f sc2-mutation-frequency-calculator/smfc.env.yml
conda env create -n sc2mfc -f sc2-mutation-frequency-calculator/envs/sc2mfc.yml
# activate the conda evironment if built
conda activate smfc
conda activate sc2mfc

### 1.3 Options/--help
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -51,12 +51,9 @@ Mutation frequency matrix

How a frequency matrix can be created:
# download the repository to the current working directory using git
git clone
# build the custom software environment using conda [recommended]
conda env create -n sonar -f sc2-mutation-frequency-calculator/smfc.env.yml
# activate the conda evironment if built
conda activate smfc
python3 scripts/ -tsv input/covsonar-rki-2023-02-01--2023-04-01.tsv -m \
-level aa -cut_freq 0.75 -cut_lin 10 -g \
-out output/matrix/desh_2023-02-01--2023-04-01.xlsx

## 2. Examples
Expand All @@ -68,25 +65,15 @@ signature mutations can be used to determine which mutations acuretly define a l
How signature mutations can be calculated:

# download the repository to the current working directory using git
git clone
# build the custom software environment using conda [recommended]
conda env create -n sonar -f sc2-mutation-frequency-calculator/smfc.env.yml
# activate the conda evironment if built
conda activate smfc
python3 scripts/ -tsv input/covsonar-rki-2023-02-01--2023-04-01.tsv -sig

### 2.2 consensus^2 for representing a lineage

How signature mutations can be calculated:

# download the repository to the current working directory using git
git clone
# build the custom software environment using conda [recommended]
conda env create -n sonar -f sc2-mutation-frequency-calculator/smfc.env.yml
# activate the conda evironment if built
conda activate smfc
python3 scripts/ -tsv input/covsonar-rki-2023-02-01--2023-04-01.tsv -con

## 3. Best practice
Expand Down
Empty file removed envs/environment.yml
Empty file.
277 changes: 158 additions & 119 deletions envs/sc2mfc.yml
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,125 +1,164 @@
name: sc2mfc
- anaconda
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prefix: /home/ghassemia/.conda/envs/sonar
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- pip:
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prefix: /home/ashkan/mambaforge/envs/sonar

0 comments on commit 7e79638

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