For more information please refer to the main Apiary project page.
Name | Description | Type | Default | Required |
apiary_tags | Common tags that get put on all resources | map | - | yes |
audit_solr_urls | ranger solr audit provider configuration,if not configured, defaults to db audit configuration | string | `` | no |
aws_region | aws region | string | - | yes |
db_audit_username | Ranger DB Audit user name. | string | rangerlogger |
no |
db_master_username | Aurora cluster MySQL master user name. | string | ranger |
no |
docker_registry_auth_secret_name | Docker Registry authentication SecretManager secret name. | string | `` | no |
ldap_base | active directory ldap base dn | string | - | yes |
ldap_ca_cert | Base64 encoded Certificate Authority bundle to validate LDAPS connections. | string | - | yes |
ldap_domain | active directory ldap domain | string | `` | no |
ldap_group_base | active directory ldap base dn to search for groups | string | - | yes |
ldap_secret_name | Active directory LDAP bind DN SecretsManager secret name. | string | - | yes |
ldap_sync_interval | ranger usersync interval | string | 120 |
no |
ldap_url | active directory ldap url to configure hadoop LDAP group mapping | string | - | yes |
ldap_user_base | active directory ldap base dn to search for users | string | - | yes |
private_subnets | ranger admin subnets | list | - | yes |
ranger_admin_host | Route 53 host name for Ranger admin UI CNAME | string | ranger-admin |
no |
ranger_admin_ingress_cidr | ranger admin ingress cidr list | list | - | yes |
ranger_admin_instance_count | desired count of the ranger admin service | string | 2 |
no |
ranger_admin_ldap_groups | csv active directory groups to grant ROLE_SYS_ADMIN privileges | string | `` | no |
ranger_admin_loglevel | ranger admin process loglevel,supports log4j values | string | info |
no |
ranger_admin_task_cpu | ranger admin container cpu value, valid values | string | 1024 |
no |
ranger_admin_task_memory | ranger admin container memory value, valid values: | string | 8192 |
no |
ranger_database_host | Route 53 host name for Ranger database CNAME | string | ranger-database |
no |
ranger_database_name | Database name to create in RDS for Apiary | string | ranger |
no |
ranger_db_additional_sg | Comma-seperated string for additional security groups to attach to RDS | list | <list> |
no |
ranger_db_backup_retention | The days to retain backups for, for the rds metastore. | string | 7 |
no |
ranger_db_backup_window | preferred backup window for rds metastore database in UTC. | string | 02:00-03:00 |
no |
ranger_db_ingress_cidr | ranger db ingress cidr list | list | - | yes |
ranger_db_instance_class | instance type for the rds metastore | string | db.t2.medium |
no |
ranger_db_instance_count | desired count of database cluster instances | string | 2 |
no |
ranger_db_maintenance_window | preferred maintenance window for rds metastore database in UTC. | string | wed:03:00-wed:04:00 |
no |
ranger_docker_image | docker image id for ranger | string | - | yes |
ranger_docker_version | version of the docker image for ranger | string | - | yes |
ranger_domain_name | Route 53 domain name to register ranger-admin cname | string | - | yes |
ranger_usersync_loglevel | ranger usersync process loglevel,supports log4j values | string | info |
no |
ranger_usersync_task_cpu | ranger usersync container cpu value, valid values | string | 512 |
no |
ranger_usersync_task_memory | ranger usersync container memory value, valid values: | string | 4096 |
no |
vpc_id | VPC id | string | - | yes |
Example module invocation:
module "apiary-authorization" {
source = "git::"
aws_region = "us-west-2"
vpc_id = "vpc-1"
private_subnets = ["subnet-1", "subnet-2"]
tags = {
Application = "Apiary-Authorization"
Team = "Operations"
ranger_docker_image = ""
ranger_docker_version = "latest"
ranger_db_ingress_cidr = ["", ""]
ranger_admin_ingress_cidr = ["", ""]
ranger_domain_name = ""
ldap_secret_name = "bind_credential"
ldap_ca_cert = "${base64encode(file("files/ldap_ca.crt"))}"
ldap_url = "ldaps://"
ldap_base = "dc=mydomain,dc=com"
ldap_user_base = "OU=All Users,DC=mydomain,DC=com"
ldap_group_base = "OU=Security Groups,DC=mydomain,DC=com"
This module requires SSL certificate for ranger-admin in IAM,you can use following command to upload certificate.
aws iam upload-server-certificate --server-certificate-name --certificate-body file:// --private-key file://
If you would like to ask any questions about or discuss Apiary please join our mailing list at!forum/apiary-user
This project is available under the Apache 2.0 License.
Copyright 2018-2019 Expedia, Inc.