A single page application featuring a map of a neighbourhood I would like to visit. This map includes some highlighted locations, third-party data of those locations and various ways to browse the content.
Note: This is a solution to project 5 of the Udacity Full-Stack Web Developer Nanodegree Program based on the courses Javascript Design Patterns (ud989), Intro to AJAX (ud110) and Google Maps APIs (ud864).
This applications is an interactive map of Hyderabad, Telangana, INDIA
with locations I am intrested in, marked on the map. When one of the locations is clicked a pop-up window will display additional information about the location by fetching the data from Foursquare API.
There is also an instant search feature integrated into the application which allows the user to search through the locations marked on the map.
To run this application download all the files and open the index.html
file. For this application to run properly you must be connected to the internet.