Gatherly is an application that allow coordinate party like activities.
- Coordinate People's Calendars and Availability
- Online Status Tracking and Chatting
- Route Planning based on location and arrive time
- Coordinate Items Might Bring and Track Amount By Category
- Member Requests for Items
- Forming Reusable Templates
These instructions will guide you on how start the app locally for development
- 1password cli for secret env management
- direnv
- devbox
- init db and create user
direnv allow
devbox run db
createdb $USER
- create role
$ psql
# \q
- install npm packages
debox run npm_install
- setup DB for this app
devbox run setup
- app using google oauth, so need app id and secret, you can create it from google cloud console
set secrets to mac keyvaults, direnv will populate that to local session
envchain -s gatherly GOOGLE_CLIENT_ID
envchain -s gatherly GOOGLE_CLIENT_SECRET
- start db and server
devbox run postgres
devbox run start
Accessing it via http://localhost:4000 Access telemetry dashboard at http://localhost:4000/metrics Access with NativeApp via LVN go App on http://localost:4000/
- Run tests
devbox run test
- format code
devbox run format
open project in xcode
open native/apple/ios/Gatherly.xcodeproj
give it time for initial dependency download and indexing
run the app in simulator with |> button
devbox run remote
alias Gatherly.Repo
table_name = "schema_migrations"
# Construct the query to delete all records
import Ecto.Query, only: [from: 1]
query = from(u in table_name)
# Execute the deletion with error handling
try do
e in Ecto.QueryError -> IO.puts("Query Error: #{e.message}")
e in Postgrex.Error -> IO.puts("Postgrex Error: #{e.message}")
e in DBConnection.ConnectionError -> IO.puts("Connection Error: #{e.message}")