Show close consecutive maneuvers
When two maneuvers are close to each other, the second maneuver will be indicated under the first one while approaching the first one. This allows you to prepare for the second maneuver in time.
Show roundabout exit number for supported routers
Roundabout exit number is indicated on the roundabout maneuver icon for the routers that provide this information. Currently, it is for Valhalla-based services (OSM Scout Server and Stadia Maps) and OSRM.
Fix maneuver icons for OSRM
Autohide buttons by default for new users
To reduce number of controls shown by the application, automatically hide the buttons after some period of inactivity. This change is applied for the new users to avoid changing preferences of the existing users. As before, the behavior can be adjusted in Preferences.
Reduce vertical requirements of navigation overview bar
The height of the bottom bar shown during navigation has been reduced. This is expected to be of importance in landscape and especially for devices with relatively small vertical space in landscape. Examples include devices running Phosh with the interface imposing system bars on the top and bottom of the screen as well as smaller screen devices, such as Sony XZ2 compact. In landscape, the current street is shown as a part of the bottom bar (when using OSM Scout Server map matching).
Handle arrival to destination by switching to dedicated mode
On arrival to the destination, the application is switched into the mode that is similar to the "follow me" mode. The difference is that it is using top projection of the map to simplify orientation around destination. When compared to the previous release, navigation mode is kept leaving device screen on by default as well as the zoom level is the same as for navigation.
Change DBus registration order
DBus registration and publishing on DBus has been adjusted to avoid unexpected issues in the clients. Earlier implementation caused issues with Amazfish, as debugged with @piggz.
Rewrite imlpementation determining mode of the application
Update translations
Bugfixes, optimizations, and visual adjustments