#Welcome to Cilador Weaver! Formerly known as Bix.Mixers
Cilador has two parts:
A Fody addin, available through NuGet, that provides the ability to write custom mixins for C#.
A toolbox of IL manipulation tools built on top of cecil.
Consult code documentation and test code for use of the IL manipulation tools. Keep in mind that the tools are still very much a moving target. Read on for documentation on the more stable Fody addin.
Cilador has two separate functionalities exposed through Fody.
- Interface Mixin
- Allows for the creation of rich mixins.
- Data Transfer Object (DTO) Projector (new)
- Projects a plain old C# object (POCO) DTO type called Dto as an inner type.
"Mixin" is an overloaded term. As such, it is not always clear what is meant by this word. For the purposes of this project, the term denotes a state and set of related behaviors that are added to potentially unrelated types without using inheritance.
There are two parts to a Cilador mixin.
Mixin Definition: C# interface that provides a way to identify the mixin and that provides the minimum set of properties, methods, and events that will be added to a mixin target type.
Mixin Implementation: C# class that implements a mixin definition interface. The entire contents of a mixin definition will be added to a mixin target type.
###Usage See Cilador.Fody-Examples for working examples. Read on for a short introduction.
####Create a mixin definition interface in the assembly that will contain mixin definitions.
namespace MyMixinDefinitions
public interface IHelloWorld
string Hello();
There is nothing special about this interface except that it cannot inherit from another interface. You can even choose an existing interface from your own code, the .NET framework, or a third party library if you like.
####In a different assembly, create a mixin implementation class that implements the mixin definition interface.
namespace MyMixins
public class HelloMixin : IHelloWorld
public string Hello()
return "Hello World";
You have to follow a few rules for the implementation, but it's pretty basic.
- Create a non-generic
type. - Implement the mixin interface and only the mixin interface.
- Do not inherit from another type.
- Do not add any constructors.
Outside of that, you can do what you want. You can include fields, properties, methods, events, and even nested types. Methods and nested types can even be generic. Visibility will transfer over to the mixin target, as will custom attributes, and virtual/abstract modifiers (only nested types can be abstract, though).
There are some unsupported things. For example, although methods and nested types can be generic, the implementation class cannot be generic. Most things will just work, however. Experiment a bit, and create an issue if something you want is missing.
The mixin implementation assembly must reference the mixin definition assembly since the definition interface will be added to the target type.
####Add an InterfaceMixinAttribute to your target type in a third assembly. Specify the mixin definition interface in the attribute constructor.
namespace MyApplicationLibrary
public class Target
This is the assembly that should contain types used by your application. It must reference the mixin definition assembly, but it need not reference the mixin implementation assembly.
Types inside this assembly cannot use the mixin without casting or reflection, but types outside of this assembly can use the mixin functionality. Intellisense doesn't work, unfortunately, and Visual Studio may complain, but when it comes time to compile, it'll all work.
####Configure mixins for the target type assembly.
Add the NuGet package for Cilador.Fody to the target type assembly. Modify FodyWeavers.xml to map the mixin definition to the mixin implementation.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
<cfc:CiladorConfig xmlns:cfc="urn:Cilador:Fody:Config">
<WeaveConfig xsi:type="cfc:InterfaceMixinConfigType" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance">
<InterfaceMixinMap Interface="MyMixinDefinitions.IHelloWorld, MyMixinDefinitions" Mixin="MyMixins.HelloMixin, MyMixins"/>
You can consider everything but the InterfaceMap
elements to be boilerplate.
Include an InterfaceMap
element specifying each mixin definition Interface
The type you supply for the Mixin
will be used to implement the interface in
each mixin target. Use the assembly qualified names of all types. In the
simplest case, that's just <My.Namespaces.TypeName>, <AssemblyFilenameWithoutExtension>
but it can get more complex.
####Make sure Fody can find your mixin implementations.
While the mixin definition assembly must be referenced by the target project, the implementation assembly may not be. If this is the case, then you'll need to put the assembly into a location where it can be found by Cilador.
Create a Tools directory in your Visual Studio solution directory. Add the following command to your mixin implementation project post-build action.
copy "$(TargetPath)" "$(SolutionDir)Tools"
You may need to manually change the build order of the projects in your solution to ensure that the file exists before the target assembly is compiled.
Alternatively, you can copy all assembly files manually; however, this may affect compilation if all assembly projects are in the same solution.
###Compile and test
Code in a fourth assembly that references the target assembly and mixin definition assembly can now call mixed in code.
namespace MyApplication
internal class Program
public static void Main(string[] args)
Console.WriteLine(new Target().Hello());
#Additional Information
I may blog about Cilador time to time.