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Defected edited this page Jan 18, 2022 · 3 revisions


Download the latest release for Call of Duty 1.1x from

Put the file in your gameserver directory. E.g. /home/cod/myserver

Modify your start script by adding at the beginning. Example script: cod_lnxded +set fs_basepath /home/cod/ +set dedicated +exec server.cfg

From the same release page, also download ____________________CoD1x_Redirect.pk3. This file is used to redirect players to the update server. Open the file with a tool like 7Zip and locate the CoD1x_Redirect.cfg file. Edit it by putting your server IP and port in server1 cvar. After you are done, put the pk3 in gameserver main directory. E.g. /home/cod/myserver/main. Make sure not to alter the file name.

If you plan to use fs_game, you also need to download CoD1x_RemoveMod.pk3 and put it in your gameserver fs_game directory. E.g. /home/cod/myserver/mycoolmod. Make sure not to alter the file name.


You can add the following cvars in your server configuration.

set x_deadchat 0		// Show dead-chat to alive players? 
set x_nopbots 1			// Use altered bot movements?
set x_spectator_noclip 0	// Allow spectators to go through walls?
set x_authorize 0		// Validate CD keys? (use 1 for cracked server)
set x_contents -1		// Contents type for players. Use 32 to disable collision.
set sv_fov_min 80               // Minimum FOV players can set
set sv_fov_max 100              // Maximum FOV players can set
set sv_fps_min 30               // Minimum FPS players can set
set sv_fps_max 333              // Maximum FPS players can set
set sv_wwwBaseURL               // URL for downloading mods
set sv_screenshotURL            // URL for submitting player screenshots

Download & screenshots

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