- Setup locally
- Running Tests
- Cleanup
This repo contains a recipe for making a Docker containers for Drupal patch testing, using Linux, Apache, PHP and MariaDB/PostgreSQL/MySQL/Sqlite.
This is part of the core code powering the future version of Drupal automated-testing infrastructure at http://qa.drupal.org .
a) Test patches on your local box or http://qa.drupal.org b) Test multiple patches and multiple modules at once. c) Test any Drupal version. d) Get realtime output. e) Choose mariadb, postgresql, mysql, sqlite. f) Choose PHP5.3/5.4/5.5/5.6 g) Test offline.
git clone {thisrepo}
cd drupalci_testbot
sudo ./scripts/build_all.sh cleanup
Docker will not run natively on MAC/Windows, Install Virtualbox, Vagrant and run:
git clone {thisrepo}
cd drupalci_testbot
vagrant up
sudo DCI_TESTGROUPS="Action,Bootstrap" DCI_DRUPALBRANCH="8.0.x" DCI_PATCH="/path/to/your.patch,." ./run.sh
See more examples bellow on: "6- RUN EXAMPLES"
curl get.docker.io | sudo sh -x
git clone {thisrepo}
cd drupalci_testbot
cd containers/database/mysql
sudo ./build.sh
cd containers/database/mysql
sudo ./run-server.sh
cd containers/base/web-base
sudo ./build.sh
cd containers/web/web-[PHP_VERSION]
sudo ./build.sh
Results will be available at: {USERHOME}/testbotdata/BUILD_{DATE}/results and at the live running terminal
Run 'search_api' module tests, with one patch against D8 and git sandbox:
sudo DCI_TESTGROUPS="--module 'search_api'" \
DCI_DEPENDENCIES_GIT="http://git.drupal.org/sandbox/daeron/2091893.git,master" \
Run Action and Node tests, 2 LOCAL patches, using 4 CPUs, against D8:
cd containers/web/
sudo \
DCI_TESTGROUPS="Action,Node" \
DCI_PATCH="/tmp/1942178-config-schema-user-28.patch,.;/tmp/1942178-config-schema-30.patch,." \
Run all tests using 4 CPUs, 1 core patch, 1 tgz module, against D8:
cd containers/web/
sudo \
DCI_DEPENDENCIES_TGZ="http://ftp.drupal.org/files/projects/admin_menu-8.0.x-3.x-dev.tar.gz" \
DCI_PATCH="https://drupal.org/files/issues/1942178-config-schema-user-28.patch,." \
Run all tests using 6 CPUs, 2 patches and 2 modules on D7.26:
cd containers/web/
sudo \
DCI_DEPENDENCIES="flag,payment" \
DCI_PATCH="https://drupal.org/files/issues/flag_fix_global_flag_uid_2087797_3.patch,sites/all/modules/flag;https://drupal.org/files/issues/payment_2114785_8.patch,sites/all/modules/payment" \
And that's it.
Bellow is the list of Environment Variables and defaults that can be passed to the ./run.sh runner. These options can also be added to a $HOME/.drupalci/config file.
# Any valid Drupal branch or tag, like 8.0.x, 7.x or 7.30:
# The identifier used by jenkins to name the Drupal docroot where all is stored:
DCI_IDENTIFIER="build_$(date +%Y_%m_%d_%H%M%S)" # Only [a-z0-9-_.] allowed
# The place where Drupal repos and DrupalDocRoot indentifiers are kept:
# Request the runner to update the Drupal local repo before local cloning:
DCI_UPDATEREPO="false" # true to force repos update
# By default we put the Drupal repo and docroots on the same place, but you can have BUILDSDIR elsewhere:
# Same for the workspace:
# Install modules:
DCI_DEPENDENCIES="" # module1,module2,module2...
# Git clone sandboxes:
DCI_DEPENDENCIES_GIT="" # gitrepo1,branch;gitrepo2,branch;...
# Download tgz modules:
DCI_DEPENDENCIES_TGZ="" # module1_url.tgz,module1_url.tgz,...
# Download and patch one or several patches:
DCI_PATCH="" # patch_url,apply_dir;patch_url,apply_dir;...
# PHP version to run tests on 5.3/5.4/5.5:
# Database type and version selection, from mysql/mariadb/pgsql/sqlite:
# Username & Password
# Default dbcontainer and link
# Try to use core "none" install tests or "drush"
# Executes other funcionality in the container prepending CMD.
# Debug container shell with DCI_CMD="/bin/bash"
DCI_VERBOSE="false" # true will give verbose
# How many cpus to use per run:
# Testgroups to run, eg. "--all":
DCI_TESTGROUPS="Bootstrap" #TESTS TO RUN eg.--all
# Default runscript
DCI_RUNSCRIPT="php ./scripts/run-tests.sh --php /usr/bin/php --url 'http://localhost' --color --concurrency ${DCI_CONCURRENCY} --xml '/var/workspace/results' ${DCI_TESTGROUPS} "
The runner can use one config per run instead of env variables.
A config or a config.yml file can be placed into $HOME/.drupalci/config or $HOME/.drupalci/config.yml
While the config file just has the bash variables per line the config.yml follows the yaml format, like this example:
DCI_DBTYPE : mysql
DCI_TESTGROUPS : Bootstrap,Action
DCI_RUNSCRIPT : php ./core/scripts/run-tests.sh --php /usr/bin/php --url 'http://localhost' --color --concurrency 4 --xml '/var/workspace/results'
DCI_PATCH : https://www.drupal.org/files/issues/remove-language_list-2328293-9.patch,.
DCI_CMD : /bin/bash /start.sh
Only one file type can be use per run.
if [ -f $HOME/.drupalci/config ] && [ -f $HOME/.drupalci/config.yml ]; then echo "Runner can only use one config per run:" echo "$HOME/.drupalci/config &" echo "$HOME/.drupalci/config.yml are in conflict" echo "Please remove one or both and try again!" exit 1 fi
if [ -f $HOME/.drupalci/config ];
echo "Sourcing your default variables from $HOME/.drupalci/config ";
source $HOME/.drupalci/config;
elif [ -f $HOME/.drupalci/config.yml ];
echo "Sourcing your default variables from
sudo \
DCI_RUNSCRIPT="/usr/bin/php ./core/scripts/run-tests.sh --list" \
If you need to remove the old web image just run this sequence:
sudo docker images | grep "drupalci/web" | awk '{print $3}' | xargs -n1 -I {} sudo docker rm {}
Travis support is provided via an upstream project call PrivateTravis.
To perform a Travis build in it's simplest form run the following command:
$ drupalci travis > run && sh run
The above performs 2 tasks:
- Converts a .travis.yml file to a set of Docker commands.
- Pipes and runs the commands in a single script (to avoid PHP running Docker running PHP).
For more information on this command see the PrivateTravis documentation:
a) Results will be saved at: {USERHOME}/testbotdata/BUILD_{DATE}/results/ so you can delete testbotdata/BUILD_{DATE} after you collect your information
b) Docker generates several runs: While i am developing i use this to rm all old instances
sudo docker ps -a | awk '{print $1}' | xargs -n1 -I {} sudo docker rm {}
├── containers
│ ├── base
│ │ ├── testbot_base
│ │ └── web-base
│ │ └── conf
│ │ ├── apache2
│ │ ├── php5
│ │ ├── scripts
│ │ └── supervisor
│ ├── database
│ │ ├── mariadb-10.0
│ │ │ └── conf
│ │ ├── mariadb-5.5
│ │ │ └── conf
│ │ ├── mysql-5.5
│ │ │ └── conf
│ │ ├── pgsql-9.1
│ │ │ └── conf
│ │ └── pgsql-9.4
│ │ └── conf
│ └── web
│ ├── web-5.4
│ └── web-5.5
├── drupal
├── jobs
│ ├── phpunit
│ ├── simpletest
│ └── syntax
├── scripts
│ └── src
└── vendor
We have the ability to generate a binary for distrubtion. To build the .phar file run the following command:
bin/box build
Feel free to fork and contribute to this code. :)
- Fork the repo
- Create your feature branch (
git checkout -b my-new-feature
) - Commit your changes (
git commit -am 'Added some feature'
) - Push to the branch (
git push origin my-new-feature
) - Create new Pull Request