This is a service that can help you find jobs, based on terms of search, it'll bring to you everything that matches.
- Java OpenJDK 11 (I recommend sdkman)
- Maven (You can use sdkman)
- Docker
- Postman
- DBeaver
- You can get the service running with
./mvnw spring-boot:run
- The server should start at the port 8080
- For checkstyle:
./mvnw --no-transfer-progress checkstyle:checkstyle -Dcheckstyle.skip=false --file pom.xml
- For unit tests:
./mvnw --no-transfer-progress test --file pom.xml
- For integration tests:
./mvnw --no-transfer-progress verify -P integration-test --file pom.xml
- And code coverage:
./mvnw --no-transfer-progress clean verify -P test-everything --file pom.xml