Remote Heater Control
400V (3 Phase) electric heater.
PID Regulator controlling temperature with 6 relays in 9 steps
Communicates with the Raspberry Pi via usb serial Software in C++
Proxy program handling settings and sends stats using web API every 30 minutes. - url is read from (not version controlled)
"avrdude: stk500_getsync(): not in sync" this is most likely because the AutoResetOnSerial is enabled. "avrdude: stk500_recv(): programmer is not responding" this is likely because you've choosen the wrong Serial port. My default ports for the RPi are stated in
In Raspbian the Arduino shows up as /dev/ttyACM0
sudo make clean
sudo make
sudo make upload
sudo cat /dev/ttyACM0
Arduino libraries goes into /usr/share/arduino/libraries/
Run proxy script every n minutes
*/30 * * * * sudo python /home/david/fractalistic/python/ >/var/log/fractalistic 2> /var/log/fractalistic
Displays current stats for the heater, user can interact and change mode between "home" and "away"
Node.js hosted at Heroku, Mongodb at Compose
- Thermistor measuring temp gives wrong values - figure out why (Seems this was an int/float thing)
- "mode" is set wrongly when given dummy names, should only set to "home" and "away" (Done)
- Temperature runtime adjustment (Done)
- Finish and merge "tempClass" branch to master (Done)
- Refactor arduino c++ code (Done)
- Outside temperature measure
- Inside temperature measure
- Radiator / water pump control (on/off)
- python script on the raspberry for simplifying compilation, deployment and debugging