This is a fun househodl project that started out as a way to keep track of how long its been since we've lost something in this house, it happened alot! But alas, our needs have changed, it is a lost counter no more. Now it counts down to an exciting event. Usually Camping, but it could be anything.
It's an RGB dot matrix display powered by a raspberry pi running python using hzeller's rpi-rgb-led-matrix library found here:
This will have more info if I ever have time...
- RPI 3
- Adafruit Medium 16x32 RGB LED matrix panel - 6mm Pitch (420)
- Adafruit RGB matrix bonnett (3211)
- Modified example to count down to the target time read from t0.json
- Base Class supplied by hzeller's library used by
- t0.json
- Contains the target time
- config.json
- Unused
- Bash script used to launch the countdown timer when the RPI starts up