Group_19_project: A study of early predictors (Comorbidities and Etiology) of patient's outcome after cirrhosis hospitalization
- Pauline Charpentier - @Linepocharpe - s231663
- Eva Frossard - @EvaFrossard - s231701
- Noy Tabul - @NoyTii - s232743
- Fabian Ziegler - @fabianhz1 - s231932
Our project is based on the study of the following dataset: Mukthinuthlalapati, VV Pavan Kedar et al. (2019). Data from: Early predictors of outcomes of hospitalization for cirrhosis and assessment of the impact of race and ethnicity at safety-net hospitals [Dataset]. Dryad. We discarded the the race and ethnicity variable since they were considered non-significant variable to determine patient's outcome. We, therefore, chose to focus ouor study on Comorbidities and Etiology, and their according numerical value: Child Pugh Score (CPS) and Charlson Comorbidity Index.
- Create a /data folder in the project
- Creat a subfolder /_raw
- Go to the website where the dataset can be found ( and download the .csv file
- Upload it in the /data/raw folder
To run the project, run the 00_all.qmd
Before running the files that can be found in the "R" folder, a few packages should be installed and the following command lines should be run in your console:
- 00_all.qmd: run-all file of the project. Used to render all of the subfiles.
- 01_load.qmd:loading of the files.
- 02_clean.qmd: tidying of the dataset. Joining was performed here (despite not needing it for uor data set)
- 03_augment.qmd: augmentation of the dataset, creation of new variables.
- 04_describe.qmd: creation of introduction graphs giving general statistic information about the dataset.
- 05_analysis_mortality.qmd: analysis of the patients' mortality and the different variables affecting it.
- 06_analysis_comorbidities_etiologies.qmd: investigating the relation between comorbidities/etiologies and the patient's liver disease.
- 07_analysis_CPS.qmd:linear regression model between the CPS and etiologies
- 08_analysis_liver_disease.qmd: linear regression model to see how the different liver diseases affect mortality -> DEAD END
- 09_logistic_analysis.qmd: logistic regression between mortality and CPS
- 10_otherfunctions.qmd: a few other plots that were not relevant in the other files