Gruber Darker color theme for Emacs by Jason Blevins. A darker variant of the Gruber Dark theme for BBEdit by John Gruber. Adapted for deftheme and extended by Alexey Kutepov a.k.a. rexim.
You can use built-in package manager (package.el) or do everything by your hands.
This theme is available on two repositories: MELPA and Marmalade. Add the following to your emacs config file somewhere (.emacs, init.el, whatever)
(require 'package)
(add-to-list 'package-archives
'("melpa" . "") t)
for MELPA, or
(require 'package)
(add-to-list 'package-archives
'("marmalade" . "") t)
for Marmalade.
I personally prefer MELPA, 'cause it hourly updates its packages from upstream source.
Then use M-x package-install RET gruber-darker-theme RET
to install
the theme. Use M-x customize-themes
to change your current theme.
Download the theme to your local directory. You can do it through git clone
git clone git://
Then add path to gruber-darker-theme to custom-theme-load-path list — add the following to your emacs config file somewhere (.emacs, init.el, whatever):
(add-to-list 'custom-theme-load-path
Use M-x customize-themes
to change your current theme.
Gruber Darker is an awesome theme. But it has a lack of support for many good modes. I add color faces only for modes I use. If you like this theme and use a mode that looks very bad with it, feel free to add appropriate color faces (see file gruber-darker-theme.el) and send me a pull request.