edCTF is a generic web application to quickly host jeopardy-style CTF competitions. edCTF uses EmberJS for the client half of the application, while the backend utilizes the Django framework.
Current version: 1.2-beta1
You will need the following things properly installed on your computer.
The following installation methods will set the Django superuser username to 'admin' with 'admin' as the password. It is strongly recommended to change this password.
Before installation, in order to enable HTTPS, edit the USE_SSL variable within environment.bash to "true". It will generate a self-signed certificate for temporary use.
You can run edCTF within a Docker container with the following commands:
docker build -t edctf . \
&& docker run --restart=always -p 80:80 -p 443:443 --name edctf_server -d edctf
edCTF can then be accessed via http or https your host machine.
You can also install edCTF locally, assuming you're using something similar to Ubuntu or Debian.
Simply run the production setup script:
edCTF can then be accessed via http or https your host machine.