It’s been two years since our last release, the world has changed a lot. Still, we’re happy to announce that MemE 5.0.0 is out!
Some highlights:
- 7 more languages support
- A live preview site via GitHub Actions
- Third-party libraries customization
Thanks to all the contributors who contributed to this release!
Bug Fixes
- a11y: increase width of scrollbar (d392ab1)
- build error (74ea4db)
- check before loading comments (#374) (1c0beed)
- css: add transition for header (342939d)
- css: backdrop-filter supports at-rule for webkit (37d8a68)
- css: dim image in light mode (#367) (5e6c812), closes #365
- css: make code related backgound-color consistent (32224aa)
- css: margin issue of nested ol/ul (25de088)
- css: margin issue of post type poetry (a65114a)
- css: menu is not aligned on medium screen (ed7e68b)
- css: svg icon get cut off on safari (25e9e4d)
- css: url word-break for justify align (8112664)
- declares the social url as a safe url (#354) (72212b2), closes #353
- deprecated warning for .Path (e425890), closes #369
- deprecation warning of !global assignments (504ee32)
- drop cap to the identical paras only once (#356) (27ba8bb)
- escaped HTML in summary.html (47cead2), closes #213
- exclude medium-zoom for img tags directly under a tag (#346) (951b0ad)
- filter pages before limit (7cf1577)
- insertHrBySelf not working anymore (293d9a0)
- make header width to 100vw to avoid change when scroll bar appears (#351) (adefef8)
- modify start_url to meet the PWA's fast and reliable requirment (#314) (9be741a)
- remove extra white space in summary.html (8ebbfa8)
- resolve the editURL problem on Windows (#308) (25be50d), closes #279
- set app-mobile-web-app-status-bar-style to black (91bba2a), closes #280
- style: margin issue in toc (ca1d2b1)
- style: margin issue of nested ordered/unordered list (b52d699)
- sw.js: an object that was not a Response was passed to respondWith() (159652e)
- syntax error (e781e17)
- third-party: add tinyseg.js to scripts if japanese (#305) (ed7f353)
- undefined loadComments() in homepage (#326) (c2d2200)
- use network first strategy for sw.js (cddaf25)
- use pageref for internal links in menus (2479717), closes #343
- wrong glyph-correction URL when baseURL is set to sub-directory (#291) (28bcb78), closes #287
- add Algolia Search support (#329) (2dc1f8b), closes #222
- add built-in service worker support (5470cbe)
- add copyleft 🄯 support (8964306)
- add Gitalk comments support (#324) (6941bd2)
- add html minify configuration (72e1a9d)
- add new config param displayBackToTopOnMobile (9d7ce99), closes #280
- add new front matter
(e927542), closes #276 - add new param
(2d17152) - add support for
meta tag (7d7c485), closes #361 - add support for auto-hiding flex header (6e7027e), closes #293
- Add support for Yandex.Metrika (#323) (abd67d8)
- Adjust post markup to conform to h-entry spec (#253) (cb4fb52)
- i18n: add 'id' Bahasa (#388) (790d2ab)
- i18n: add FR lang support (#233) (a7c47aa)
- i18n: Add Hungarian language file (#363) (d1d3472)
- i18n: add Japanese support (#311) (6c8faec)
- i18n: add polish language support (#273) (f49ac2c)
- i18n: add zh-TW lang support (#270) (e051e0c)
- i18n: Added support for Russian language (#322) (eb0aecd)
- ignore suffix slash of image host (#358) (d8af0e0)
- ignore suffix slash of video host (597d20d)
- Make SRI for scripts and styles enabled separately from fingerprinting (#215) (b9869e7)
- new config param customizeScrollbar (2c06353)
- set up github actions for pages (#278) (8e0d1b5), closes #277
- support directly load the comments after pages loaded (#325) (29e4726)
- support host customization for third-party libraries (#389) (a6111f9)
- support hugo v0.73.0 (f1e3503), closes #207
- enableFingerprint config parameter no longer enables Subresource Integrity. If you need it, you have to specify enableSRI parameter as well
- MemE now requires Hugo v0.73.0+.