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- Avoid boxing the {Object, Int, ...}Ref itself by storing it in a val, not a var - Avoid box/unbox of primitive lazy expressions due which are added to "adapt" it to the erased type of the fictional syncronized method, by using a `return`. We have to add a dummy throw after the synchronized block, but this is elimnated by the always-on DCE in the code generator. ``` ⚡ qscalac -Xprint:mixin $(f "class C { def foo = { lazy val x = 42; x }}"); javap -private -c -cp . C [[syntax trees at end of mixin]] // a.scala package <empty> { class C extends Object { def foo(): Int = { lazy <artifact> val x$lzy: scala.runtime.LazyInt = new scala.runtime.LazyInt(); C.this.x$1(x$lzy) }; final private[this] def x$1(x$lzy$1: scala.runtime.LazyInt): Int = { x$lzy$1.synchronized({ if (x$lzy$1.initialized().unary_!()) { x$lzy$1.initialized_=(true); x$lzy$1.value_=(42) }; return x$lzy$1.value() }); throw null }; def <init>(): C = { C.super.<init>(); () } } } Compiled from "a.scala" public class C { public int foo(); Code: 0: new #12 // class scala/runtime/LazyInt 3: dup 4: invokespecial #16 // Method scala/runtime/LazyInt."<init>":()V 7: astore_1 8: aload_1 9: invokestatic #20 // Method x$1:(Lscala/runtime/LazyInt;)I 12: ireturn private static final int x$1(scala.runtime.LazyInt); Code: 0: aload_0 1: dup 2: astore_1 3: monitorenter 4: aload_0 5: invokevirtual #31 // Method scala/runtime/LazyInt.initialized:()Z 8: ifne 22 11: aload_0 12: iconst_1 13: invokevirtual #35 // Method scala/runtime/LazyInt.initialized_$eq:(Z)V 16: aload_0 17: bipush 42 19: invokevirtual #39 // Method scala/runtime/LazyInt.value_$eq:(I)V 22: aload_0 23: invokevirtual #42 // Method scala/runtime/LazyInt.value:()I 26: istore_2 27: goto 33 30: aload_1 31: monitorexit 32: athrow 33: aload_1 34: monitorexit 35: iload_2 36: ireturn Exception table: from to target type 4 30 30 Class java/lang/Throwable public C(); Code: 0: aload_0 1: invokespecial #43 // Method java/lang/Object."<init>":()V 4: return } ```
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