FrontEndART SourceMeter is a command line source code analyzer tool, which can perform deep static analysis of the source code of complex software systems written in C/C++, C#, Java, JavaScript, Python and RPG. FrontEndART offers a free version of SourceMeter.
SourceMeter plug-in for SONARQUBE™ platform ("plug-in" in the following) is an extension of the open-source SONARQUBE™ platform ("platform" in the following) for managing code quality. The plug-in executes SourceMeter from the platform and uploads the source code analysis results of SourceMeter into the platform's database.
The plug-in is free and open-source, and provides all the usual platform code analysis results, extended with many additional metrics and issue detectors provided by the SourceMeter tool.
Additionally, the plug-in extends the platform's GUI with a SourceMeter dashboard view.
Highlights of the added features:
Precise C/C++, C#, Java, JavaScript, Python and RPG source code analysis engines
Package, class and method level analyses extending the directory and file-based approach
More sophisticated syntax-based duplicated code detection engine (Type-2 clones)
Additional and more precise source code metrics (100+) including metrics related to clones
Powerful coding issue detection
Custom dashboard for packages, classes, methods and clone classes/instances
CloneViewer for comparing and managing code duplications
And many more...
The plug-in is compatible with the latest LTS version 7.9[^1], which can be obtained from its website.
SONARQUBE™ is a trademark of SonarSource SA, Switzerland.
May 22, 2020
(C) FrontEndART Software Ltd. 2001-2020