SidekiqUniqueDigestsCleaner is a simple tool for cleaning up stuck Unique Digests in Sidekiq. The most common example of such a situation occurs for Heroku users when the service restarts all instances once per day. As a result, it sends SIGTERM for shutdown and after 30 seconds, SIGKILL, so Sidekiq is unable to return all not-finished jobs to the queue. Due to this problem, job information is lost. However, the digests are still retained, but there is no way of adding a new job with the same worker and arguments.
Install the gem as usual:
$ gem install sidekiq_unique_digests_cleaner
or just add this line to your Gemfile
gem 'sidekiq_unique_digests_cleaner'
List of all stuck digests
SidekiqUniqueDigestsCleaner.stuck_digests # returns the list of digests which are stuck
Clean them
SidekiqUniqueDigestsCleaner.clean_unique_digests # remove all stuck digests
For using it automatically on Sidekiq start add this line to your Sidekiq initializer
Sidekiq.configure_server do |config|
# Some code for your Sidekiq setup
- Add tests