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Clara Youdale edited this page Feb 15, 2024 · 4 revisions


As of January 31, 2024 with PR #2406.

aiidprod DB

  • candidates:

    • Everybody is allowed to create/search/delete
  • checklists:

    • Admin has full access
    • The user who is the owner of the checklist (owner_id field) has full access
    • Everybody can create and search
  • classifications:

    • Admin has full access
    • The incident_editor role can view, edit and create new items, but can't delete an existing item.
    • The taxonomy-specific roles (taxonomy_editor_<namespace>) can view, edit and create new items with that namespace, but can't delete an existing item. For instance, the role taxonomy_editor_csetv0 can view, edit and create new items with namespace=CSETv0
  • duplicates:

    • Everybody can search
  • entities:

    • Admin has full access
    • Everybody can search and create new entities
  • incidents:

    • Admin has full access
    • The incident_editor role can view and edit items but can't create new items or delete an existing item.
    • Everybody can view incidents, and edit these incident fields
      • embedding
      • flag
      • flagged_dissimilar_incidents
      • reports
      • tags
  • quickadd

    • Admin has full access
    • Everybody can search and create items
  • reports:

    • Admin has full access
    • The incident_editor role can view and edit items but can't create new items or delete an existing item.
    • When the report item is a Variant, everybody can view, create, edit and delete variants
  • submissions:

    • Admin has full access
    • The incident_editor role has full access
    • Everybody can search and create items
  • taxa:

    • Admin has full access
    • The incident_editor role can view, edit and create new items, but can't delete an existing item.
    • The taxonomy-specific roles (taxonomy_editor_<namespace>) can view, edit and create new items with that namespace, but can't delete an existing item. For instance, the role taxonomy_editor_csetv0 can view, edit and create new items with namespace=CSETv0

customData DB

  • notifications:

    • Admin has full access
    • API key user (user.type == server) has full access
    • Everybody can search
  • subscriptions:

    • Admin has full access
    • The incident_editor role has full access
    • The owner of the document (the same userId) has full access
    • Everybody can search and edit items
  • users:

    • Admin has full access
    • The incident_editor role has full access
    • The owner of the document (the same userId) can view, and edit all fields except roles and userId fields.

history DB

  • incidents:

    • Admin has full access
    • The incident_editor role can view, edit, create but can't delete items
    • Everybody can search items
  • reports:

    • Admin has full access
    • The incident_editor role can view, edit and create items, but can't delete an existing item.
    • Everybody can search items

translations DB

  • reports_en, reports_es and reports_fr:
    • Admin has full access
    • The incident_editor role can view and edit items but can't create new items or delete an existing item.
    • Everybody can search items