Crawl the content of any instagram public page with no token or login
Inspired by instagram-profilecrawl
With NPM:
npm i --global insta-crawler
With Yarn:
yarn add global insta-crawler
$ insta-crawler --help
$ insta-crawler <name>
--output -o define output format (JSON, YAML)
--limit -l get only the number of post defined by the limit
$ insta-crawler loicortola
$ insta-crawler loicortola -o yaml
# Crawl profile of instagram user **loicortola** and export content to dest.json
docker run -e IGER=loicortola resourcepool/insta-crawler >> dest.json
# Crawl profile of instagram user **barackobama** limiting to the two latest posts and export content to barack.json
docker run -e IGER=barackobama -e LIMIT=2 resourcepool/insta-crawler >> barack.json
# Crawl profile of instagram user **loicortola** and export content to subdirectory **out/loicortola.yaml**
docker run -e IGER=loicortola -e OUTPUT=yaml -v ./out:/home/node/app/out resourcepool/insta-crawler
You can find an example in the example folder.
MIT © Resourcepool