This repository hosts GoalExplorer which automatically triggers the functionality of interest in an apk. The core idea behind GoalExplorer is to first statically model the application UI screens and transitions between these screens, producing a Screen Transition Graph (STG). Then GoalExplorer uses the STG to guide the dynamic exploration of the application to the particular target of interest: an Android activity, API call, or a program statement.
The repository contains the source code for the application to produce STGs for android applications along with the tool used to dynamically explore to find the target of interest.
Currently, the tool supports API levels 25 and under. The Android Applications should also not use androidx libraries, due to a dependency on Backstage which fails to analyze components of these applications.
The tool only supports Linux environments.
- Install the Android SDK and build tools:
- Make sure that
is set to the SDK directory - Make sure that the following directories are added
$ANDROID_HOME/build-tools/<installed version>
- Make sure that
- Install Java
- Install Python3
- Install the uiautomator package
- Install Ruby
- Install the Nokogiri gem
To build an STG, the application uses modified versions of Backstage and
The modified version are provided in the respective Backstage/
and FlowDroid/
You need to first build these modules before building GoalExplorer.
# Build Backstage
cd Backstage/
mvn -DskipTests clean install
cd ..
# Build FlowDroid
cd FlowDroid/
mvn -DskipTests clean install
cd ..
# Build GoalExplorer
cd GoalExplorer/
mvn -DskipTests clean package
To build a STG, run the generated .jar
which should be located under
. The jar should be run from the GoalExplorer
java -jar target/GoalExplorer-1.2-SNAPSHOT-jar-with-dependencies.jar ge -i <path to apk> [OPTIONS]
By default, there will be no node marked as a target in the STG. To mark a target in the STG,
add the option --target "X:Y"
where X
is one of api
, act
or stmt
and Y
is a fully qualified target or a list of targets separated by a semi-colon.
For example, if the target is an API:
java -jar {JAR_PATH} ge -i <arg> [OPTIONS] --target "api:< openConnection()>"
or for multiple activities:
java -jar {JAR_PATH} ge -i <arg> [OPTIONS] --target ";"
or a Jimple statement:
java -jar {JAR_PATH} ge -i <arg> [OPTIONS] --target "stmt:virtualinvoke $r7.<android.widget.Button: void setOnClickListener(android.view.View$OnClickListener)>($r9)"
usage: ge [OPTIONS] [-cb <arg>] [-cg <arg>] [-d] [-h] -i <arg>
[-l <arg>] [-o <arg>] [-s <arg>] [-t <arg>] [-v]
-cb <arg> the maximum number of callbacks modeled for each
component (default to 20)
-d,--debug debug mode (default disabled)
-h,--help print the help message
-i,--input <arg> input apk path (required)
-l,--api <arg> api level (default to 23)
-o,--output <arg> output directory (default to "sootOutput")
-s,--sdk <arg> path to android sdk (default value can be set in
config file)
-t <arg> maximum timeout during callback analysis in seconds
(default: 60)
--target target or list of targets of type api, stmt or act
(e.g. "act:com.e.b.Activity1")
-v,--version print version info
An STG for the android application will be generated in the output directory.
The dynamic explorer is a modified version of Stoat.
The modified source code is located in Stoat/
To run the dynamic exploration step:
ruby Stoat/bin/run_stoat_testing.rb \
--avd_name={emulator name} \
--apk_path={path to apk}
--stg={path to apk stg}