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YAML linting tools for Replicated applications.


Install the CLI executable with

npm install -g replicated-lint

Lint with replicated-lint validate

replicated-lint validate -f my-app.yml

or pipe from stdin:

cat my-app.yml | replicated-lint validate -f -

Results that have issues will look something like:

{ type: 'info',
  rule: 'prop-configitem-testproc-run-on-save',
  message: 'If a config item\'s test_proc.run_on_save is not set to \'true\', test_proc\'s will not be checked automatically. Consider setting your test_proc\'s run_on_save to automatically validate inputs',
   [ { path: 'config.1.items.2.test_proc',
       start: { position: 8130, line: 325, column: 4 },
       end: { position: 8322, line: 331, column: 0 } },
     { path: 'config.3.test_proc',
       start: { position: 8692, line: 346, column: 2 },
       end: { position: 9141, line: 365, column: 2 } } ],
  links: [ '' ] }

# prop-configitem-testproc-run-on-save continued from line 321
323    - name: phone_number
324      type: text
325      test_proc:
326        display_name: Is this a Phone Number?
327        command: regex_match
328        args:
329        - "([0-9]{3})[-]([0-9]{3})[-]([0-9]{4})$"
330        - "That doesn't seem to be a phone number!"
331  - name: auth
332    title: Authentication
333    description: Where will user accounts be provisioned
334    items:

Extending the CLI with custom rules

replicated-lint rules can be expressed as JSON, so it is easy to add your own custom rules.

If you have a custom rule set in no-latest.json, you can pass it to replicated-lint using

cat my-app.yml | replicated-lint validate -f - --extraRules no-latest.yaml

--extraRules can be specified multiple times. An example YAML rule set might look something like

- name: custom-no-latest
  type: error
  message: "Don't use `latest` for container versions."
      path: components
        AnyOf: containers
            path: version
            value: latest

replicated-lint validate supports the following options:

  --version         Show version number                                [boolean]
  --help            Show help                                          [boolean]
  --infile, -f      Input file to validate. Use "-" for stdin
                                                         [string] [default: "-"]
  --threshold, -t   Threshold of of issues to report
                  [string] [choices: "info", "warn", "error"] [default: "error"]
  --extraRules, -e  Path to file containing JSON definitions for additional yaml
                    rules. Can be specified multiple times.[array] [default: []]
  --reporter, -r    Output Format to use
                     [string] [choices: "console", "junit"] [default: "console"]
  --outputDir, -o   junit reporter only -- path to directory to output junit xml
                    reports                   [string] [default: "test-results"]


Installing Dependencies

We compile to ES5 and test on nodejs 7.8.0, but earlier versions of node should work as well.

npm install -g yarn

Running the tests

To run the tests once

yarn test

To watch files and re-run tests on changes, use the tdd script


Before committing


make project-import PROJECT=<project-name>

Where <project-name> is the project being updated and should be one of

  • replicated-supportbundle
  • replicated-entitlements
  • replicated-rbac
  • replicated-ship

For more up to date list check the project directory listing.

Regenerating the documentation

replicated-lint docs gen will print reference documentation stdout as markdown. yarn docs will write it to docs/

To update the docs in help center, grab everything in replicated-lint/docs/ and paste it into help-center/.../, replacing everything below <!-- the rest of this document is autogenerated-->.

Library Usage

replicated-lint is designed with extensibility in mind, making it suitable for general purpose YAML and JSON linting and policy definition

  • Flexible, modular rule sets
  • CLI
  • Autogenerate unit tests and documentation from rule definitions
npm install --save replicated-lint
import * as linter from "replicated-lint";

const yaml = `
replicated_api_version: 2.8.0
  - name: ELK
      - image: getelk/search`;

const ruleViolations = linter.defaultLint(yaml);
console.log(ruleViolations); // []

Custom Rule Sets

linter.rules.all can be substituted or extended with custom rule definitions. A rule's test field should return { matched: true } when the rule is triggered by invalid JSON.

import * as linter from "replicated-lint";

const yaml = `
  bar: baz`;

const testSpec: any = {
  Or: {
    preds: [
      {Eq: { path: "", value: "baz"}},
      {Eq: { path: "", value: "boz"}},

const rules: linter.YAMLRule[] = [
    name: "foo-bar-neq-baz",
    message: " can't be baz!",
    test: testSpec,
    type: "error",

const ruleViolations = linter.lint(yaml, { rules });
console.log(ruleViolations);  /*
        type: "error",
        positions: [{
          path: "",
          start: {
            position: 12,
            line: 3,
            column: 2,
          end: {
            position: 20,
            line: 3,
            column: 10,
        message: " can't be baz!",

Register new rules with linter.enginer.register. Rules should implement JSONReadable<Predicate<any>>, usually as a static method

import * as linter from "replicated-lint";

// rule MyRule checks if root object has property "spam" equal to "eggs"
class MyRule implements linter.Predicate<any> {
  test(obj: any) {
    const matched = obj.spam !== "eggs"; // fail when spam != eggs
    const paths = ["spam"];              // if matched == true, optionally include a path where a rule was violated
    return { matched, paths };

  public static fromJson(obj: any, registry: linter.engine.Registry) {
    return new MyRule();


const testSpec: linter.Test = { MyRule: {}};

const rules: linter.YAMLRule[] = [
    name: "spam-eq-eggs",
    message: "spam must be equal to eggs!",
    test: testSpec,
    type: "error",

const yaml = `
spam: eggs`;

const ruleViolations = linter.lint(yaml, { rules });
console.log(ruleViolations); // []

Custom implementations of engine.Registry can also be passed as a third argument to linter.lint, otherwise a default registry will be used.


YAML linting tools for Replicated applications







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