Prepends a blurb of text to any files you specify while respecting a list of includes and exclude patterns for maximum flexibility.
Add this line to your application's Gemfile:
gem 'stamper'
And then execute:
$ bundle
Or install it yourself as:
$ sudo gem install stamper
$ stamper --help
Usage: stamper -s STAMPFILE [options]
Prepends a blurb of text to any files you specify while respecting
a list of includes and exclude patterns for maximum flexibility.
-s, --stamp STAMPFILE Read the stamp from the specified file.
-p, --path DIRECTORY Directory to scan for files. Defaults to current directory.
-i, --include 'REGEXP' Only stamp files that match this pattern. Can be used multiple times.
Defaults to [".*\\.rb$"].
-e, --exclude 'REGEXP' Do not stamp files that match this pattern. Can be used multiple times.
Evaluated after includes. Defaults to ["^vendor/"].
-r, --respect 'REGEXP' If the first line in the file matches this pattern,
place stamp under that line.
Can be used multiple times. Defaults to ["^#", "^<!"].
-d, --dry-run Report which files need stamping, but don't make any changes.
-q, --quiet Do not print any output.
-h, --help Show this message.
--version Show version.
Note: The --respect
option is nice for telling Stamper to leave any first
magic-encoding lines untouched and unmoved. The stamp will be placed under the
matching line. Will only respect the first line, however, if matched.
Hint: You may want to try a few runs with the --dry-run
option on to see what its doing,
until you get all the options you want right.
require 'stamper'
files: Stamper::DEFAULTS[:files], # This is a glob. Will be fed into Dir.glob()
includes: Stamper::DEFAULTS[:includes], # Defaults to ['.*\.rb$']
excludes: Stamper::DEFAULTS[:excludes], # Defaults to ['^vendor/']
respect_first_marks: Stamper::DEFAULTS[:respect_first_marks], # Defaults to ['^#', '^<!'']
dryrun: false,
quiet: true
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) - Push to the branch (
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) - Create a new Pull Request