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Gem for importing and exporting ActiveRecord data. Great for creating seed data from data entered through your app's ui or the console.
$ gem install timecapsule * for Rails <3.0 use: $ gem install --version '= 1.0.0' timecapsule
* Export a model from your app to a csv file. Here is an example for a User model: $ Timecapsule.export_model(User) * Import a model from the csv file: $ Timecapsule.import_model(User) * To specify a different import or export directory, besides the default db/seed, open the automatically generated config/timecapsule.yml file and change the export directory. * To import all the csv files in your import directory call the import method: $ Timecapsule.import * If the order of import matters for your models, you can specify the order at export time: $ Timecapsule.export_model(User, 1) Timecapsule.export_model(Post, 2) * Remember that if you want to maintain relationships between import/export you must reset the primary key sequence (id) for each of the tables for your models. Or drop and re-create your database.
Copyright © 2011-present MIT
Author : Renée De Voursney Email : [email protected]