Dear users,
it is with mixed emotions that we announce the sunset of Twitter 'Likes' Hider. While we're proud of the impact this extension has had on your Twitter experience, we've decided to focus our efforts on other projects.
We want to take this opportunity to thank you for your support and feedback over the years. It's been a pleasure to develop and maintain this extension for you.
Please note that Twitter 'Likes' Hider will no longer receive updates or support. We encourage you to find an alternative solution for hiding liked tweets on Twitter. Currently, the "Following" tab seems to serve a similar function.
Thank you so much for being a part of our journey, and we wish you all the best.
-- Twitter 'Likes' Hider team
This repository is archived.
Twitter puts tweets in your feed that someone else 'likes' or 'follows', or suggests 'topics'. This extension allows you to hide those and other similar tweets.
After installing, the Twitter 'Likes' Hider icon will be visible to the right of your Chrome address bar. It will be active when visiting Twitter, and grayed out while visiting any other website.
Clicking on the icon while active will toggle the view of the 'liked' tweets from hidden to visible and back again.
- Active icon (extension is active and tweets are hidden):
- Inactive icon (extension is inactive and all tweets are visible):
To see how many tweets are hidden, hover your cursor over the icon. If it has hidden any tweets, it will tell you how many. Or it will display:
- Showing all likes: the extension has been toggled to show 'liked' tweets. Click the icon to hide them.
It is possible to hide other kinds of Tweets. To change the kinds of Tweets that are hidden, right-click on the extension icon and select Options. A new Chrome tab will open with a list of labeled checkboxes. Check the boxes next to the kinds of tweets you would like to hide: Likes, Follows, Retweets, or Verified accounts / "Blue Check". The click the Save button to apply the changes. It may be necessary to reload Twitter.
Easiest option for everyone: Install the extension on Chrome via the Web Store link:
Or if you are a developer and want to sideload the code: download / clone the source code into a local directory from here: and then follow these instructions from Google to install it on your browser as a developer.
The creator of Twitter 'Likes' Hider has zero interest in tracking you. Your privacy is sacrosanct. No data will be kept, tracked, transferred, sold, traded, nor even coveted in any respect, from now until the end of time.
Please follow this link and fill out the form:
This extension is open source, which means you can see how it works yourself and even contribute to the project. More details here:
Twitter changed its code, which caused unwanted tweets to show. This update fixes those.
Previous changes
Added 'Suggested Topics' to options. Checking 'Topics' will hide Twitter's "suggested topics" sections
- The extension worked only for 'Dim' background mode. This fix allows for 'Default' and 'Lights Out' modes as well.
- Other minor fixes:
- Announce that 'Enable debug mode' is ON (if so) and inform user how to turn it off (in browser console).
- Remove extraneous unused variable assignment.
- Options! Right-click on the extension icon, select 'Options'.
- This shows a list of the types of Twits the 'Twitter Like Hider' can hide. Check a box to show them, un-check a box to hide them.
- Options are stored locally on the computer's browser
- Expands the types of Twits that can be hidden:
- 'Likes'
- 'Follows'
- 'Retweeted'
- 'Received a reply'
- 'Replied'
- Rudimentary troubleshooting or 'debug' mode, enabled via options
Twitter made the mistake of showing me 'like' and 'follows' Twits again, so I jumped on updating this immediately to hide the new Twits. I made it easier to update this in future and this version should eliminate the minute-long pause before the Twits are hidden