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ESP8266 Control servo and ESC in Browser

This project makes it easy to control servos and electronic speed controllers (ESC) through a web interface using the ESP8266 module.

How it works:

  1. After turning on the device:

    • A Wi-Fi network named wificontrol-* will be created.

    • Connect to this network from your device, WiFi password: wificontrol.

    • Open a browser and enter the address to access the web interface.


Upload instruction

🚀 Web installer (recommended)

Go to the web installer and follow instructions.

or NodeMCU Flasher

Specification .bin files Download bin file here

Module: Generic ESP8266 Module
Flash Size: 1M(256K SPIFFS)
CPU Frequency: 80Mhz
Flash Mode: dio
Flash Frequency: 40Mhz
Upload Speed: 921600

NodeMCU Flasher Download Release: Win32 or Win64.

Pin Assignment

The following table shows the pin configuration for the components:

Pin GPIO Function
D2 GPIO 4 Servo or ESC
D1 GPIO 5 Servo
D4 GPIO 2 Servo
D6 GPIO 12 Relay
D7 GPIO 13 Relay
D5 GPIO 14 Relay

Schematic NodeMCU / Wemos

🔋 Donation

If you like this project, you can buy me a cup of coffee ☕