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Improve and extend mechanism for extracting relevant information for …
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…executable checking (#713)

* revise information extraction for executable checking

- move that logic to new module
- tidy up the extraction types and code
- record relevant information for loop invariants

* ocamlformat

* ocamlformat

* ocamlformat
  • Loading branch information
cp526 authored Nov 12, 2024
1 parent dfe01d6 commit a6430b4
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Showing 22 changed files with 268 additions and 231 deletions.
4 changes: 2 additions & 2 deletions backend/cn/bin/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -477,9 +477,9 @@ let run_tests
(fun () ->
|> Core_to_mucore.collect_instrumentation
|> Executable_spec_extract.collect_instrumentation
|> fst
|> List.filter (fun (inst : Core_to_mucore.instrumentation) ->
|> List.filter (fun (inst : Executable_spec_extract.instrumentation) ->
Option.is_some inst.internal)
|> List.is_empty
then (
Expand Down
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion backend/cn/lib/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -2162,7 +2162,7 @@ let check_procedure
(match def with
| Mu.Return _loc -> return ()
| Label (loc, label_args_and_body, _annots, _) ->
| Label (loc, label_args_and_body, _annots, _, _loop_info) ->
Expand Down
22 changes: 8 additions & 14 deletions backend/cn/lib/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -6,6 +6,7 @@ module CF = Cerb_frontend
open CF.Cn
open Compile
open Executable_spec_utils
module ESE = Executable_spec_extract
module A = CF.AilSyntax
module C = CF.Ctype
module BT = BaseTypes
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -3135,9 +3136,7 @@ let rec cn_to_ail_post_aux_internal dts globals preds = function
| LRT.Define ((name, it), (_loc, _), t) ->
(* Printf.printf "LRT.Define\n"; *)
let new_name = generate_sym_with_suffix ~suffix:"_cn" name in
let new_lrt =
Core_to_mucore.fn_spec_instrumentation_sym_subst_lrt (name, it, new_name) t
let new_lrt = LogicalReturnTypes.subst (ESE.sym_subst (name, it, new_name)) t in
let binding = create_binding new_name (bt_to_ail_ctype ( it)) in
let decl = A.(AilSdeclaration [ (new_name, None) ]) in
let b1, s1 = cn_to_ail_expr_internal dts globals it (AssignVar new_name) in
Expand All @@ -3150,9 +3149,7 @@ let rec cn_to_ail_post_aux_internal dts globals preds = function
let b1, s1 =
cn_to_ail_resource_internal ~is_pre:false new_name dts globals preds loc re
let new_lrt =
Core_to_mucore.fn_spec_instrumentation_sym_subst_lrt (name, bt, new_name) t
let new_lrt = LogicalReturnTypes.subst (ESE.sym_subst (name, bt, new_name)) t in
let b2, s2 = cn_to_ail_post_aux_internal dts globals preds new_lrt in
(b1 @ b2, upd_s @ s1 @ pop_s @ s2)
| LRT.Constraint (lc, (loc, _str_opt), t) ->
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -3276,7 +3273,7 @@ let rec cn_to_ail_lat_internal_2
let ctype = bt_to_ail_ctype ( it) in
let new_name = generate_sym_with_suffix ~suffix:"_cn" name in
let new_lat =
Core_to_mucore.fn_spec_instrumentation_sym_subst_lat (name, it, new_name) lat
ESE.fn_largs_and_body_subst (ESE.sym_subst (name, it, new_name)) lat
(* let ctype = mk_ctype C.(Pointer (empty_qualifiers, ctype)) in *)
let binding = create_binding new_name ctype in
Expand All @@ -3299,9 +3296,7 @@ let rec cn_to_ail_lat_internal_2
let b1, s1 =
cn_to_ail_resource_internal ~is_pre:true new_name dts globals preds loc ret
let new_lat =
Core_to_mucore.fn_spec_instrumentation_sym_subst_lat (name, bt, new_name) lat
let new_lat = ESE.fn_largs_and_body_subst (ESE.sym_subst (name, bt, new_name)) lat in
let ail_executable_spec =
Expand All @@ -3328,7 +3323,8 @@ let rec cn_to_ail_lat_internal_2
prepend_to_precondition ail_executable_spec (b1, ss)
(* Postcondition *)
| LAT.I (post, stats) ->
| LAT.I (post, (stats, _loop)) ->
(*TODO: handle loops *)
let rec remove_duplicates locs stats =
match stats with
| [] -> []
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -3405,9 +3401,7 @@ let rec cn_to_ail_pre_post_aux_internal
let binding = create_binding cn_sym cn_ctype in
let rhs = wrap_with_convert_to A.(AilEident sym) bt in
let decl = A.(AilSdeclaration [ (cn_sym, Some (mk_expr rhs)) ]) in
let subst_at =
Core_to_mucore.fn_spec_instrumentation_sym_subst_at (sym, bt, cn_sym) at
let subst_at = ESE.fn_args_and_body_subst (ESE.sym_subst (sym, bt, cn_sym)) at in
let ail_executable_spec =
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2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion backend/cn/lib/cn_internal_to_ail.mli
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -172,7 +172,7 @@ val cn_to_ail_pre_post_internal
(Sym.t * ResourcePredicates.definition) list ->
(Sym.t * C.ctype) list ->
C.ctype ->
Core_to_mucore.fn_spec_instrumentation option ->
Executable_spec_extract.fn_args_and_body option ->

val cn_to_ail_assume_predicates_internal
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150 changes: 11 additions & 139 deletions backend/cn/lib/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -1139,9 +1139,9 @@ let normalise_label
| Mi_Label (loc, lt, label_args, label_body, annots) ->
(match CF.Annot.get_label_annot annots with
| Some (LAloop loop_id) ->
let@ desugared_inv, cn_desugaring_state =
let@ desugared_inv, cn_desugaring_state, loop_condition_loc =
match Pmap.lookup loop_id loop_attributes with
| Some (marker_id, attrs) ->
| Some (marker_id, attrs, loop_condition_loc) ->
let@ inv = Parse.loop_spec attrs in
let d_st =
Expand All @@ -1153,8 +1153,9 @@ let normalise_label
let@ inv, d_st = desugar_conds d_st inv in
return (inv, d_st.inner.cn_state)
| None -> return ([], precondition_cn_desugaring_state)
return (inv, d_st.inner.cn_state, loop_condition_loc)
| None -> assert false
(* return ([], precondition_cn_desugaring_state) *)
debug 6 (lazy (!^"invariant in function" ^^^ Sym.pp fsym));
debug 6 (lazy (CF.Pp_ast.pp_doc_tree (dtree_of_inv desugared_inv)));
Expand All @@ -1179,7 +1180,12 @@ let normalise_label
(* ) label_args_and_body *)
(* in *)
(Mu.Label (loc, label_args_and_body, annots, { label_spec = desugared_inv }))
( loc,
{ label_spec = desugared_inv },
`Loop loop_condition_loc ))
(* | Some (LAloop_body _loop_id) -> *)
(* assert_error loc !^"body label has not been inlined" *)
| Some (LAloop_continue _loop_id) ->
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1591,137 +1597,3 @@ let normalise_file ~inherit_loc ((fin_markers_env : CAE.fin_markers_env), ail_pr
debug 3 (lazy (headline "done core_to_mucore normalising file"));
return file

(* type internal = { pre: unit arguments; post: ReturnTypes.t; inv: (Loc.t * unit
arguments); statements: (Locations.t * Cnprog.cn_prog list) list; } *)

type statements = (Locations.t * Cnprog.t list) list

type fn_spec_instrumentation = (ReturnTypes.t * statements) ArgumentTypes.t

type instrumentation =
{ fn : Sym.t;
fn_loc : Locations.t;
internal : fn_spec_instrumentation option

let rt_stmts_subst subst (rt, stmts) =
let rt = ReturnTypes.subst subst rt in
let stmts = (fun (loc, cn_progs) -> (loc, (Cnprog.subst subst) cn_progs)) stmts
(rt, stmts)

let fn_spec_instrumentation_subst_at
: _ Subst.t -> fn_spec_instrumentation -> fn_spec_instrumentation
ArgumentTypes.subst rt_stmts_subst

let fn_spec_instrumentation_subst_lat
: _ Subst.t -> (ReturnTypes.t * statements) LogicalArgumentTypes.t ->
(ReturnTypes.t * statements) LogicalArgumentTypes.t
LogicalArgumentTypes.subst rt_stmts_subst

(* substitute `s_with` for `s_replace` of basetype `bt` *)
let fn_spec_instrumentation_sym_subst_at (s_replace, bt, s_with) fn_spec =
let subst =
IT.make_subst [ (s_replace, IT.sym_ (s_with, bt, Cerb_location.unknown)) ]
fn_spec_instrumentation_subst_at subst fn_spec

let fn_spec_instrumentation_sym_subst_lat (s_replace, bt, s_with) fn_spec =
let subst =
IT.make_subst [ (s_replace, IT.sym_ (s_with, bt, Cerb_location.unknown)) ]
fn_spec_instrumentation_subst_lat subst fn_spec

let fn_spec_instrumentation_sym_subst_lrt (s_replace, bt, s_with) fn_spec =
let subst =
IT.make_subst [ (s_replace, IT.sym_ (s_with, bt, Cerb_location.unknown)) ]
LRT.subst subst fn_spec

let concat2 (x : 'a list * 'b list) (y : 'a list * 'b list) : 'a list * 'b list =
let a1, b1 = x in
let a2, b2 = y in
(a1 @ a2, b1 @ b2)

let concat2_map (f : 'a -> 'b list * 'c list) (xs : 'a list) : 'b list * 'c list =
List.fold_right (fun x acc -> concat2 (f x) acc) xs ([], [])

let rec stmts_in_expr (Mu.Expr (loc, _, _, e_)) =
match e_ with
| Epure _ -> ([], [])
| Ememop _ -> ([], [])
| Eaction _ -> ([], [])
| Eskip -> ([], [])
| Eccall _ -> ([], [])
| Elet (_, _, e) -> stmts_in_expr e
| Eunseq es -> concat2_map stmts_in_expr es
| Ewseq (_, e1, e2) -> concat2 (stmts_in_expr e1) (stmts_in_expr e2)
| Esseq (_, e1, e2) -> concat2 (stmts_in_expr e1) (stmts_in_expr e2)
| Eif (_, e1, e2) -> concat2 (stmts_in_expr e1) (stmts_in_expr e2)
| Ebound e -> stmts_in_expr e
| End es -> concat2_map stmts_in_expr es
| Erun _ -> ([], [])
| CN_progs (stmts_s, stmts_i) -> ([ (loc, stmts_s) ], [ (loc, stmts_i) ])

let rec stmts_in_largs f_i = function
| Mu.Define (_, _, a) -> stmts_in_largs f_i a
| Resource (_, _, a) -> stmts_in_largs f_i a
| Constraint (_, _, a) -> stmts_in_largs f_i a
| I i -> f_i i

let rec stmts_in_args f_i = function
| Mu.Computational (_, _, a) -> stmts_in_args f_i a
| L a -> stmts_in_largs f_i a

let stmts_in_labels labels =
(fun _s def acc ->
match def with
| Mu.Return _ -> acc
| Label (_, a, _, _) -> concat2 (stmts_in_args stmts_in_expr a) acc)
([], [])

* let stmts_in_function args_and_body =
* stmts_in_args
* (fun (body, labels, _rt) -> concat2 (stmts_in_expr body) (stmts_in_labels labels))
* args_and_body

let collect_instrumentation (file : _ Mu.file) =
let instrs =
(fun (fn, decl) ->
match decl with
| Mu.Proc { loc = fn_loc; args_and_body; _ } ->
let args_and_body = at_of_arguments args_and_body in
let internal =
(fun (body, labels, rt) ->
let _, stmts = concat2 (stmts_in_expr body) (stmts_in_labels labels) in
(rt, stmts))
{ fn; fn_loc; internal = Some internal }
| ProcDecl (fn_loc, _fn) -> { fn; fn_loc; internal = None })
(Pmap.bindings_list file.funs)
(instrs, C.symtable)
30 changes: 1 addition & 29 deletions backend/cn/lib/core_to_mucore.mli
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -7,34 +7,6 @@ val normalise_file
('b, unit) Cerb_frontend.Milicore.mi_file ->
unit Mucore.file Resultat.m

(* TODO(RB) - Do these belong here? Looks like they can/should be factored out *)
type statements = (Locations.t * Cnprog.t list) list

type fn_spec_instrumentation = (ReturnTypes.t * statements) ArgumentTypes.t

val arguments_of_at : ('a -> 'b) -> 'a ArgumentTypes.t -> 'b Mucore.arguments

val fn_spec_instrumentation_sym_subst_lrt
: Sym.t * BaseTypes.t * Sym.t ->
LogicalReturnTypes.t ->

val fn_spec_instrumentation_sym_subst_lat
: Sym.t * BaseTypes.t * Sym.t ->
(ReturnTypes.t * statements) LogicalArgumentTypes.t ->
(ReturnTypes.t * statements) LogicalArgumentTypes.t

val fn_spec_instrumentation_sym_subst_at
: Sym.t * BaseTypes.t * Sym.t ->
fn_spec_instrumentation ->

type instrumentation =
{ fn : Sym.t;
fn_loc : Locations.t;
internal : fn_spec_instrumentation option

val collect_instrumentation
: 'a Mucore.file ->
instrumentation list * BaseTypes.Surface.t Hashtbl.Make(Sym).t
val at_of_arguments : ('b -> 'a) -> 'b Mucore.arguments -> 'a ArgumentTypes.t
4 changes: 3 additions & 1 deletion backend/cn/lib/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -213,7 +213,9 @@ let main
let oc = Stdlib.open_out (Filename.concat prefix output_filename) in
let cn_oc = Stdlib.open_out (Filename.concat prefix "cn.c") in
let cn_header_oc = Stdlib.open_out (Filename.concat prefix "cn.h") in
let instrumentation, symbol_table = Core_to_mucore.collect_instrumentation prog5 in
let instrumentation, symbol_table =
Executable_spec_extract.collect_instrumentation prog5
Executable_spec_records.populate_record_map instrumentation prog5;
let executable_spec =
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