Text::Hogan - A mustache templating engine statement-for-statement cloned from hogan.js
Text::Hogan is a statement-for-statement rewrite of hogan.js in Perl.
It is a mustache templating engine which supports pre-compilation of your templates into pure Perl code, which then renders very quickly.
It passes the full mustache spec.
use Text::Hogan::Compiler;
my $text = "Hello, {{name}}!";
my $compiler = Text::Hogan::Compiler->new;
my $template = $compiler->compile($text);
say $template->render({ name => "Alex" });
See Text::Hogan::Compiler and Text::Hogan::Template for more details.
The template format is documented in mustache(5).
Copyright (C) 2015 Lokku Ltd.
Started out statement-for-statement copied from hogan.js by Twitter!
Alex Balhatchet ([email protected])