User can navigate to a URL and enter a phone number. Then, the user can trigger workflow with a phrase (eg. Text) Allows user to send/receive messages from Relay to given phone number.
The app is live at
renders a page where you can generate a prepopulated url with id
renders a version of the homepage where device id is prepopulated in the backend
clone the repository:
git clone
Make sure you have NodeJS installed, or download it from NodeJS
Run the following to make sure all relevant libraries and packages are installed:
npm install
There are a couple of environment variables. Create a .env file by running touch .env
and place the variables and their values in the .env file.
Register a workflow on your Relay device by
relay workflow:create --type=phrase --phrase=<input> --uri=wss:// --name twilio <device_id>
To run the application:
npm start
Ability to repeat a message
Multiple user texting: “text Chase” “text John”
Phone texter should be able to initiate the conversation. Conversation should not be able to be terminated. eg. Manager should be able to Text a relay user at any time
Use different phone numbers on Twilio side or ability to say who is sending a text on relay. (Assuming that at companies relays are being shared between shifts or something)
Dockerize the application