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relay-go SDK

A Golang SDK for Relay Workflows.

Guides Documentation

The higher-level guides are available at

API Reference Documentation

The generated documentation is available at


  • The following demonstrates a simple Hello World program, located in samples/helloworld.go. It also uses as a websocket implementation.
package main

import (
    log ""

var port = ":8080"

func main() {

    sdk.AddWorkflow("helloworld", func(api sdk.RelayApi) {
        var sourceUri string
        api.OnStart(func(startEvent sdk.StartEvent) {
            sourceUri := startEvent.Trigger.Args.SourceUri
            log.Debug("Started hello wf from sourceUri: ", sourceUri, " trigger: ", startEvent.Trigger)
            api.StartInteraction(sourceUri, "hello interaction")
        api.OnInteractionLifecycle(func(interactionLifecycleEvent sdk.InteractionLifecycleEvent) {
            log.Debug("User workflow got interaction lifecycle: ", interactionLifecycleEvent)

            if interactionLifecycleEvent.LifecycleType == "started" {
                sourceUri = interactionLifecycleEvent.SourceUri     // save the interaction id here to use in the timer callback
                var deviceName = api.GetDeviceName(sourceUri, false)
                api.SayAndWait(sourceUri, "What is your name?", "en-US")
                var pharses = []string {}
                var name = api.Listen(sourceUri, pharses, false, "en-US", 30)
                api.Say(sourceUri, "Hello " + name + " you are currently using " + deviceName, "en-US")

            if interactionLifecycleEvent.LifecycleType == "ended" {
                log.Debug("i'm a callback for interaction lifecycle: ", interactionLifecycleEvent)

Running the Sample

Use git to make a local copy of the SDK and include sample application:

git clone [email protected]:relaypro/relay-go.git
cd relay-go/samples
go run helloworld.go

However, until you register a trigger with the server via the Relay CLI, the workflow won't get invoked via an inbound websocket connection. Run a built-in workflow first to verify your Relay CLI installation. Then follow the documentation for a custom workflow.

The code is split into two subdirectories: pkg/sdk and samples.

The pkg/sdk contains Relay SDK functionality, app contains sample code for creating and running workflows using the SDK. The app includes the sample workflow.

The main entry point is the relay-go/pkg/sdk package. To create a workflow, add the import relay-go/pkg/sdk and then add that workflow with a URL path name by calling sdk.AddWorkflow("helloworld", func(api sdk.RelayApi). See realy-go/samples for an example implementation.

The utility api.go defines the event allbacks that your workflow can respond to, as well as the definitions to the requests that can be made inside those callbacks.

The websocket server implementation is provided in the ws_receiver.go file to receive websocket client connections and start workflows when requested by the Relay server.

Now, you can start the demo workflow server:

go run helloworld.go

TLS Capability

Your workflow server must be exposed to the Relay server with TLS so that the wss (WebSocket Secure) protocol is used, this is enforced by the Relay server when registering workflows. See the Guide on this topic.

Verbose Mode Logging

The SDK is using Logrus for logging. Logging levels can be configured at the top of your workflow file using Logrus's SetLevel function. The sample applications will show log messages from INFO level and above. If you wish to see more logging detail from the SDK, and you continue to use Logrus, then call the SetLevel function to use the DEBUG log level:

