is an R package for SeBMS - the Swedish Butterfly
Monitoring Scheme - offering tools for accessing data, making plots and
a Shiny app.
If you want to install the latest version:
# First make sure you have the devtools package
# which simplifies installations from github
# Note: Windows users have to first install Rtools to use devtools
# A specific versioned release can be installed like this:
install_github("rekonstrukt/[email protected]")
Since the package can read data from a Postgres db with live data from SeBMS, some initial system configuration may first be needed to set up the connection.
If the database connection requires an ssh tunnel to first be
established, and you are using a *nix system, this configuration can be
achieved by editing ~/.ssh/config
, adding a section such as:
Host butterflies
User my_ssh_user
HostName my_server_ip_for_the_postgres_db_server
LocalForward 5432
ServerAliveInterval 30
After this, the tunnel can be established with the command
ssh -N butterflies
. Upon success, the database can then be reached
locally at the postgres db standard port. Similar results can be
achieved using putty
on Windows platforms.
Once the database server is available, the R package needs to be
configured to use the database connection. To achieve this, load the
package in your R environment and create a config.yml
with the db
connection details and perhaps also a .Renviron
file, if you have a
config file that references environment variables in R:
# this is the location for config.yml holding db connection details
# the location may vary depending on OS
# on a Linux OS a valid path for the file is $HOME/.config/sebms/config.yml
# on a Windows 8 OS a valid path for the file is C:\Users\IEUser\AppData\Local\sebms\sebms\config.yml
# this is the location for .Renviron
# on a Linux OS a valid path for the .Renviron file is $HOME ie ~/.Renviron
# on a Windows 8 OS a valid path for the .Renviron file is C:\Users\IEUser\.Renviron
# on a Windows 10 OS a valid path for the .Renviron file is C:\Users\IEUser\Documents\.Renviron
Example content that can be used in the config.yml
driver: !expr RPostgres::Postgres()
server: 'localhost'
uid: 'my_db_username'
pwd: 'my_db_password'
port: 5432
database: 'test4'
If you prefer to use environment variables for the credentials and
reference those in the config.yml
, the file can look like this:
driver: !expr RPostgres::Postgres()
server: 'localhost'
dbuser: !expr Sys.getenv("DBUSER")
dbpass: !expr Sys.getenv("DBPASS")
port: 5432
database: 'test5'
For the above connection to be initiated, you also need to set up your
with the environment variables containing the credentials:
DBUSER = my_db_username
DBPASS = my_db_password
After getting connected to the database, look at usage examples to get you started.
Please read the Vignette, using either the Help tab in RStudio IDE or
the R prompt command browseVignettes(package = "swedishbutterflies")
To further develop or change the package, please refer to instructions at http://r-pkgs.had.co.nz/, then fork this repo and submit a PR with the changes.
For a concrete example - to make a change with regards to how the
filtering on species and year dimensions works for the species data,
edit the ‘R/data.R’ file for example by adjusting the query used in the
sebms_species_per_year function, and possibly adding a test in
that verifies expected results,
then do the Ctrl+Shift+{D,T,E} steps and then use git to commit and push
the changes.
To change functions that retrieve data from the db, please make changes
primarily in the R/data.R
The plotting uses ggplot2 and leaflet mostly and functions are in
and R/zgeomaps.R
for the spatial data.
The long-form documentation / Vignette is located in
The package bundles code and data assembled and curated by Lars Pettersson at http://dagfjarilar.lu.se
- Please report any issues or bugs.
- License: AGPL